Enköping Summer Crush x 6 !!!23-24 November!!!

edited November 2024 in Turneringar

* Megastars & friends are banned* You are not allowed not use bribe on a player with sneaky git. You may still roster a bribe.

* Highlander rule are in effect, except for Josef Bugman, he will play for the first of the teams that activites him, however his XXXXx-brew works for both teams.

Tier 1 = 1160 GOLD & 5 total skills including 0 secondary skill

May stack 1 skill with stacking package. Have access to level 1 starplayers

Amazon, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Undead, Dwarfs, Underworld, Skaven

Tier 2 = 1170 GOLD & 6 total skills, may include 1 secondary skill.

May stack 1 skill with stacking package. Have access to level 1-2 starplayers

Norse, Woodelves, Orcs, Vampire

Tier 3 = 1180 GOLD & 7 total skills, may include up to 2 secondary skills

May stack 2 skills with stacking package. Have access to level 1-2 starplayers

Elven Union, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Necromantic,Human, chaos dwarfs

Tier 4 = 1190 GOLD & 8 total skills, may include up to 2 secondary skills

May stack 3 skills with stacking package. Have access to level 1-3 starplayers

Chaos Chosen, Khorne, Slann, Black Orcs

Tier 5 = 1200 GOLD & 9 total skills, may include up to 3 secondary skills

May stack 4 skills with stacking package. Have access to level 1-3 starplayers

Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle, Old World Alliance,Gnomes

Tier 6 = 1210 GOLD & 10 total skills, may include up to 4 secondary skills

May stack 4 skills with stacking package. Have access to level 1-3 starplayers

Ogre,Halflings, Goblins, Snotlings


You do not have to use your secondary skill unless you chose the "extra secondary skill package", with that package you have to use all your secondary skills to be eligible to the extra one.

Vanilla package

This package may be chosen by all coaches.

Stacking Package

This package gives you the possibillity to stack skills on a number of players. You may stack with one secondary in tiers 2-6. You may stack Primary and secondary on more than one player if your tier allows several stacks. You can not stack secondary with secondary.

Gold Package

This package gives you additional 30k GOLD to build your roster, can be used for positionals, staff and 

starplayers. This package costs one primary skill point.

Extra Secondary skill

This package gives you an extra secondary skill,  You are not allowed to choose a secondary skill more than two times with this package. You MUST pick an extra secondary with this package, and you MUST use all of your total secondaries to be able to get the extra skill. You CANNOT change them for primaries.

STAT-UP Package

By giving up 1-3 skill points Tier 5 and Tier6 may increase one (1) stat on a player of their chosing (not big guys). A stat-up player  cannot be given additional skills, starplayers are not avalible withthis package. +1 PA and +1 AV costs 1 skill point, +1 MA and+1 AG costs 2 skill points, +1 ST costs 3 skill points.


Poäng, Strength of Schedule, TD gjorda, TD diff, Cas gjorda, Cas Diff


Vinst 10p

Draw 6p

Loss 0p

Tillåtna inducements

0-1 Team Mascot

0-1 Master of Ballistics

0-2 Bloodweiser Keg

0-3 Bribe

0-1 Master chef

0-1 Weather Mage

0-2 Wandering Apothecary

0-1 Mortuary Assistant

0-1 Josef Bugman

0-1 Plague Doctor

0-1 Riotous Rookies

Deltagaravgift är 100:- och swishas till mig på 0723871734, skriv era NAF-nick i meddelandet.

Taket är 20 deltagare.

Spelsystem är Swiss

Roster deadline 17:e november 23:59


Match 1: 0900-1115

Match 2: 1130- 1345


Match 3: 1500 - 1715

Snack- och Snackspaus (@KaithOEX och @inforthepain drar lite sjuka referat och slagserier för de som vill och inte vill lyssna)

Match 4: 1800 - 2015


Match 1: 0930 - 1145

Match 2: 1200-1415

Intresserade Plats 19 blir Odd-man out/in.

  1. Grumplekins - Betalt
  2. Oberwald
  3. Drexxl
  4. Spoiled - Betalt
  5. Oxinotl - Betalt
  6. Densom - Betalt
  7. Smulzer - Betalt Odd-Man
  8. Kremeran
  9. Theomir - Betalt
  10. Chrixx - Betald
  11. Reaper_man - Betalt
  12. Kanto - Betalt
  13. Fröjdis - Betalt
  14. Marty33
  15. Coma
  16. Nyaga - Betalt
  17. Zedd
  18. Ionas
  19. Odd-man


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