25-26 Juli Sundsvall Summer Crush x 2

edited July 2020 in Turneringar

1.Oberwald Betalt/Roster
2.Juiblex Betalt/Roster
3.Spoiledsquid Betalt/Roster
4.Pertan Betalt/Roster
5.Duckwing Betalt/Roster
6.Skuld Betalt/Roster
7.Unixbot Betalt/Roster
8.Ozt Betalt/Roster
9.qmiw Betalt/Roster
10.Spett Betalt/Roster (Odd-man)
11.Tomten Betalt/Roster (Odd-man)
12.Kaju Betalt/Roster
13.Donnydingel Betalt/Roster
14. KaithOEX Betalt/Roster
15. Grumplekins Betalt/Roster
16. Ikterus /Roster
17 Hightower Betalt/Roster
18. Lotto Betalt/Roster
19. Freddo Betalt/Roster
20. Packarn Betalt/Roster
21. Vampireduke Betalt/Roster
22. Havaji Betalt/Roster
23. IFTP Betalt/Roster
24. Drexxl Betalt/Roster
25. Ionas Betalt/Roster
26, nobilismendax /Roster

Tja! Nu börjar det bli dags att lira lite tabletop igen.

6 game resurrection tournament.

Game Time 2h 15min
GAME CLOCK WILL BE MANDATORY...FOR ALL SLOW COACHES! Vet du att du eller din motståndare är långsam - använd klocka. Bidrar ni till förseningar kommer ni straffas med -1 i fame efterföljande match. Vet ni att ni alltid håller tiden, skit i klockan.

Saturday 25th

Registration: 8:30
Match 1: 9:00-11:30
Lunch: 11:30-12:45
Match 2: 13:00-15:15
Match 3: 15:30-17:45
Match 4: 18:00-20:15

Sunday 26th
Match 5: 9:30-11:45
Match 6: 12:00-14:15
14:30 Prize Ceremony

Team creation:
- 1100k gold + tier based gold. Combine it and build your team the way you see fit. YES you may use as much gc on skills as you wish as long as you have atleast 11 players with or without starplayer. I know this opens up for deadly guard maxed dwarf/chaos dwarf rosters. I appreciate a more creative thinking when buildning your roster. Try to have fun! (Yes i know some of you would love to se 20 dwarf teams compete)

- A minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16. Star players CAN be the 10th and 11th player.
- The two teams with the best ”lore” will be awarded with +1 Fan Factor. Decided by me and a man or woman of my chosing.
- Rookies with 0 NAF tournament played will be given one(1) free reroll.

- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- Assistant coaches
- Cheerleaders
- 0-1 Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs 50 k
- 0-3 Bribes 100k for Goblins 50k
- 0-1 Master chef 300k, for Halflings 100k
- 0-2 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost
- 0-1 Horatio Wizard 80k
- 0-1 Special Play Cards Extra team training & Heroic Feats 50k each. Dirty tricks & Magic Memorabilia 100k each.

Additional cash:
You may combine the extra cash with the starting cash and build your team the way you like.

The cost of the additional skills are:

- 20k for normal skills
- 30k for double skills
- 40k MA/AG/AV, 50k ST stat increase (one allowed for tier 8 only)
- maximum one player in each team can stack an additional skill, the second skill costs 30k. Both skills have to be normal
skills (tier 8 may stack with a double skill - wich still costs 30k).
- maximum one player in each team from tier 1-4 can have one double skill
- maximum two players in each team from tier 5-8 can have one double skill
- star players may not receive additional skills
- the Skill "Piling On" will be used according to Death Zone 1, i.e. Team Re-Roll is required.
- Giants Are allowed
- The player at last place after three games will be given a dirty trick special play card until hes no longer at last place.

Tier 1
Undead, Wood Elves, Chaos Dwarfs

Tier 2
Lizardmen, Amazon, Dark Elves, Norse, Dwarfs

Tier 3
Skaven, Orcs, Necromantic

Tier 4
Nurgle,Humans, Eleven Union

Tier 5
Bretonnian, Chaos;Khemri

Tier 6
Chaos Renegades, High Elves, Slann,

Tier 7
Vampires, Underworld, Khorne

Tier 8
Halflings, Goblins, Ogres (Instead of disposable: every player with that skills get a free none ”diving-tackle” agility skill)

Scoring system:
- Win =10 points.
- Draw = 5 points.
- Loss = 0 points.
- Loss = 0-1 td´s 1 point.
- Strength of Schedule.
- Amount of TDS
- Amuont of CAS


First Loser
Best Stunty
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Wooden Spoon
@Ikterus Quiz Winner
Och kanske något till. Får se vad deltagaravgiften räcker till.

150:- kostar det att lira och swishas med fördel till 0723871734

Anmälan görs till mig här, PM, sms eller mail joel.thungren@outlook.com

Rosters ska vara inskickade senast 20:e Juli. Överläggning sker och rosters läggs ut 21:a eller 22:a för allmän beskådan. Då kommer även de två "lore"-vinnarna presenteras.

Vi kommer göra folkhälsomyndighetens riskbedömning innan turneringen, och vidta åtgärder om så behövs - för att kunna genomföra eventet.

Trycker på allas egna ansvar. Har du sjukdomssymptom spela inte.
* Dela inte tärningar
* Rör bara dina egna figurer
* Handhygien
* Bjud inte på godis
* Slå ingen på käften
* Ja ni fattar!



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