upptäckt att en mindre förändring på kick off tabellen missats att lägga till här, men den står med på turneringsreglerna på naf.
Kick off table has changes to 11 and 12.
11 Throw a Rock: An enraged fan hurls a large rock on to the pitch that replaces the ball for this drive. The Rock works almost as a spiked ball and can be thrown at the exact same way. Any fail to catch the Rock will result in a ’stab’, roll 2D6 for armor on the poor player that failed the catch. If armor breaks, roll for injury. This will lead to a turn over just as a normal failed catch will do, but if the Rock bounces to another player in your team that catches it (no matter if the first player is removed from the pitch or not), there will be no turn-over. And yes, you can throw the ball at your opponent if you want. However a failed pick up will not result in a stab roll, as it does with spiked ball.
12 The Ref Got YOU!: Every foul made this drive will lead to a sent off no matter the result of the foul. Bribes and arguing can be used as normal. After this drive a new ref will replace this one since they are a bit to hard on the rules.
vilka är det som ska bo där då?
pga orsak är det endast kontant betalning av turneringen som gäller.
Om man redan har svischat är det en ickefråga va?
nä, då är det en extra hundring kontant som gäller
kuken. Jag får rulla med det.
kommer detta att bli Sveriges största turnering (i Göteborg) i år????
beror på om du vill vara med och spela eller bara komma och titta
Senast den 10/11 ska roster ha skickats in till kundtjanst (at) parleporten.com
sådant uppmuntras alltid!
@spoiledsquid Jag har ett jag kan ta med mig. Skicka mig ett pm om hur många av varje spelare du behöver
har fått in ca 10 st.
dvs saknar mer än hälften
Kick off table has changes to 11 and 12.
11 Throw a Rock: An enraged fan hurls a large rock on to the pitch that replaces the ball for this drive. The Rock works almost as a spiked ball and can be thrown at the exact same way. Any fail to catch the Rock will result in a ’stab’, roll 2D6 for armor on the poor player that failed the catch. If armor breaks, roll for injury. This will lead to a turn over just as a normal failed catch will do, but if the Rock bounces to another player in your team that catches it (no matter if the first player is removed from the pitch or not), there will be no turn-over. And yes, you can throw the ball at your opponent if you want. However a failed pick up will not result in a stab roll, as it does with spiked ball.
12 The Ref Got YOU!: Every foul made this drive will lead to a sent off no matter the result of the foul. Bribes and arguing can be used as normal. After this drive a new ref will replace this one since they are a bit to hard on the rules.
Skuld hade svaret. så för att förtydliga, detta är en lokal variant som med vädret.
Jag gillar Throw a rock-varianten
fast förkortat.