Närkebowl 3-4 September
Type: Resurrection
Place: Örebro, Åbylundsgatan 2D
When: 3-4 sep
Cost: 150 SEK (100 for NAF-members)
You may spend 1200k gold to buy a team of at least 11 players. All inducements are available for purchase to all teams, with normal restrictions according to the rule book. If you buy any inducements for your team then it will play with the same inducements for all six games of the tournament.
If both teams has hired the same star-player then both teams may field that star-player. We will even have a prize for the team that manages to cause a CAS to the opposing "twin" star-player in this case: Kill the Imposter!
Each team also receives a cache of gold to buy extra skills. This sum depends on the tier of the team. A player on the roster who is not an induced mercenary may be given one and only one extra skill and at most three players may be given the same skill. The extra skill may be selected from either the “normal” (for 20k gold) or “double” (for 30k gold) skill category. Star players may not be given any extra skill.
The tournament will consist of six games. Before each game you may select one player on your opponents’ roster that has received and extra skill which isn’t protected. That player permanently loses the extra skill for the rest of the tournament.
Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elf, Undead
Teams receive 160k for skills.
Tier 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire
Teams receive 170k for skills + 1 normal skill for free, and may select one skill that is protected.
Tier 3: Underworld, Halfling, Goblin, Ogre,
Teams receive 170k for skills + 2 normal skills for free, and may select two skills that are protected.
9:00 Registration
9:30-11:45 Game 1
13:00-15:15 Game 2
15:30-17:45 Game 3
18:00-20:15 Game 4
20:30 Dinner at restaurant Karishma (http://www.karishma.se/) for those who wants to join.
10:00-12:15 Game 5
13:30-15:45 Game 6
16:00 Price Ceremony
Points will be awarded as follows: WIN = 3 point. DRAW = 1 point. LOSS = 0 points. CONCEDE = -3 points.
Since the matches will be limited to a play time of 2h15min, if either coach wants to use a chess-clock in a match then so shall be done as long as they can provide one. In this case a coach who has run out of time may do nothing except stand up players lying prone.
To register, send mail to doffrell@gmail.com with the subject "Register for Narkebowl 2016". We need your name, NAF number and a telephone number where we can reach you. We also need you to send your roster and complete your payment at least one week before the event.
You can send your payment by paypal to doffrell@gmail.com or if you live in Sweden by Swish to 0736870479.
Also check out our sponsor! http://www.hungry-troll.com/
*Deltagare *
Kaju - Dwarves
Duckwing - Slann
Broccoli - Halflings
Skuld - Chaos Dwarves
Inforthepain - Amazons
Pellevin - Orcs
Melisqus - Dark Elfs
Mr.Selecta - Norse
Lockmund - Amazons
Sindragosa - Lizardmen
spoiledsquid - Nurlge
Drexxl - Dawrves
Place: Örebro, Åbylundsgatan 2D
When: 3-4 sep
Cost: 150 SEK (100 for NAF-members)
You may spend 1200k gold to buy a team of at least 11 players. All inducements are available for purchase to all teams, with normal restrictions according to the rule book. If you buy any inducements for your team then it will play with the same inducements for all six games of the tournament.
If both teams has hired the same star-player then both teams may field that star-player. We will even have a prize for the team that manages to cause a CAS to the opposing "twin" star-player in this case: Kill the Imposter!
Each team also receives a cache of gold to buy extra skills. This sum depends on the tier of the team. A player on the roster who is not an induced mercenary may be given one and only one extra skill and at most three players may be given the same skill. The extra skill may be selected from either the “normal” (for 20k gold) or “double” (for 30k gold) skill category. Star players may not be given any extra skill.
The tournament will consist of six games. Before each game you may select one player on your opponents’ roster that has received and extra skill which isn’t protected. That player permanently loses the extra skill for the rest of the tournament.
Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elf, Undead
Teams receive 160k for skills.
Tier 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire
Teams receive 170k for skills + 1 normal skill for free, and may select one skill that is protected.
Tier 3: Underworld, Halfling, Goblin, Ogre,
Teams receive 170k for skills + 2 normal skills for free, and may select two skills that are protected.
9:00 Registration
9:30-11:45 Game 1
13:00-15:15 Game 2
15:30-17:45 Game 3
18:00-20:15 Game 4
20:30 Dinner at restaurant Karishma (http://www.karishma.se/) for those who wants to join.
10:00-12:15 Game 5
13:30-15:45 Game 6
16:00 Price Ceremony
Points will be awarded as follows: WIN = 3 point. DRAW = 1 point. LOSS = 0 points. CONCEDE = -3 points.
Since the matches will be limited to a play time of 2h15min, if either coach wants to use a chess-clock in a match then so shall be done as long as they can provide one. In this case a coach who has run out of time may do nothing except stand up players lying prone.
To register, send mail to doffrell@gmail.com with the subject "Register for Narkebowl 2016". We need your name, NAF number and a telephone number where we can reach you. We also need you to send your roster and complete your payment at least one week before the event.
You can send your payment by paypal to doffrell@gmail.com or if you live in Sweden by Swish to 0736870479.
Also check out our sponsor! http://www.hungry-troll.com/
*Deltagare *
Kaju - Dwarves
Duckwing - Slann
Broccoli - Halflings
Skuld - Chaos Dwarves
Inforthepain - Amazons
Pellevin - Orcs
Melisqus - Dark Elfs
Mr.Selecta - Norse
Lockmund - Amazons
Sindragosa - Lizardmen
spoiledsquid - Nurlge
Drexxl - Dawrves
Måste upp 0500 på måndagen sen, och det är kass.
Se första posten.
eller är det 1200k för lag och inducements och max den summa som står vid varje tier får läggas på att köpa skills?
såg det nu, tack!
Mellan game 1 och game 2, samt mellan game 5 och game 6 så har vi en lucka så att folk hinner gå och äta.
Aha, du menar så. Ja en kvartersbutik åtminstone ska det gå att hitta i närheten.
Det finns kyl, spis och mikro i lokalen har jag för mig, ska kolla bättre i veckan.
Självklart fixar vi så det finns frukt, lite snacks och att dricka finns på plats.
Det finns inte nån butik riktigt nära lokalen tror jag (dvs inom 300m). Men om det finns speciella önskemål som vi kan fixa så försöker vi lösa det.
Finns det nån bra "Pellevin-snitt" hur mkt bananer och dricka som behövs mellan maten då kan vi multiplicera med deltagarantalet? ;P skämt åsido, men du förstår nog vad jag menar!
Kul om du kommer!
Alltså, jag hinner ju lätt om jag kör själv, men i vilket skick kommer jag vara för 4 matcher på lördagen?
Enda tåg alternativet är ett nattåg till Stockholm, men det får jag svårt att hinna med.
Ska undersöka möjligheten att få ledigt på fredagen, kan dock bli knepigt.
Anmälning bör alltså ske senast i samband med det
(Men gärna tidigare)