POSTPONED SweBBA Team Tournament Örebro

edited November 2020 in Turneringar
SweBBA Team Tournament 2020

This is a tournament to find and crown the greatest squad of Blood Bowl coaches in Sweden (but your squad doesn´t have to be from Sweden to participate).
SweBBA Team Tournament 2020 (STT2020) will be a NAF-sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament.
Each attending coach should carefully read through the whole of this rule package before attending the tournament. If anything in the rule package is unclear, please ask for clarifications so we can make the rules as clear as possible for all participants.


Squad tournament
All competitors in STT2020 are squads of 4 Blood Bowl coaches. Each squad of 4 coaches is from here on referred to as a “squad”, while the word “team” is referring to the individual coach's own Blood Bowl team. Each coach must have a Blood Bowl team of a different team type/race than any other coach in their squad.



800 SEK per squad. (200 SEK per individual coach)
You will need to be a NAF-member to participate. It is possible to become a NAF-member at STT2020 if you aren’t.

Register as a Squad
A member of the squad (the captain) mails the following information before 2nd April 2019 to
• Squad name
• a Swedish town/village the team represents or hails from. (It is important for the first-round draw, see below)
• Pay the participation fee

For all coaches, in the squad, the captain needs to include the following information
• Name
• NAF-name and number (if the coach is a NAF member)
• Team name and type
• Team roster
• Telephone number
• Mail address

Register as an individual coach
If you are an individual coach who doesn’t have a squad to play in you can register individually and we will try to arrange all individual coaches into squads after a first-come, first-served policy. We can’t guarantee that you will be able to play if you register as an individual coach as you will have to become part of a squad to participate.
Mail the following information before 2nd April 2020:

• Your name
• Naf-Name and number (if you are a Naf member)
• Preferred team race/type with team roster written in this form
(as all members of your squad will have to play different races so if you register as an individual coach, please have some flexibility regarding the race you wish to play).
• Telephone number

Warm up and trash talk
There will be a warm-up on Friday for those who want to join. TBA.

Preliminary (may change):
Saturday: registration and Pretournament information from 08.30. Match 1 starts at 9.00. 4 matches during the day with one longer break
Sunday: start 09.00 2 matches during the day.

Registration: 8:30
Match 1: 9:00-11:15
Lunch: 11:15-12:30
Match 2: 12:30-14:45
Match 3: 15:15-17:30
Match 4: 18:00-20:15
Dinner TBA

Match 5: 9:30-11:45
Lunch: 11:45-13:00
Match 6: 13:00-15:15
Closing ceremony

What to bring
• Models for your team
• Printed roster
• Standard d6, d8 and block dice
• Passing template
• Chess clock or similar timing device

Our sponsors
Hungry Troll



  • edited January 2020
    Each participant of STT2020 is a squad of 4 coaches. Each coach in a squad must field a Blood Bowl team of a different race than any other coach in their squad.
    STT2020 will follow the All Teams Viable rules 2020.

    General rules
    We play by core rules and recommendations following NAF rules review of 1st of November 2019 - including the three extra races:

    All the regular races can be found here - the new Lizardmen list is included

    The tournament is a resurrection and no progression tournament, so every game is played with the roster you create before the tournament starts.

    Creating a roster
    Every team gets 1,100,000 gold coins to spend in accordance with the standard rules for creating a blood bowl roster.

    After buying a minimum of 11 rostered players you may buy star players available for your race, but in that case, you must convert all gold bars into normal skills - unless your race is tier 6, then you can use gold bars as normal.

    Any inducements bought are added permanently to your roster.

    All NAF-approved CRP and BB2016 Star Players are eligible - no golden age star players. Two teams can field the same Star Player.

    Bribes, Master Chef, Igor and Bloodweiser Kegs are allowed.

    Skills and tier bonusses
    All teams get some starting skills and lower tiers get extra skills and/or gold bars that can be spent to get special skills, extra skills or gold pieces.

    Normal Skills
    A normal skill must be given to a rookie player as if that player had rolled say 7 on a skill roll.

    Gold bars
    1. One Extra normal skill costs two gold bars

    2. One gold bar can be exchanged for 20.000 gold coins that can be used towards creating your roster

    3. 0-3 upgrades of a normal skill to a special skill can be bought at the price of one gold bar per upgrade
    • Up to 2 special skills may be used to pick a skill like if you had rolled a double on a skill roll.
    • Up to 2 special skills may be used to give a second normal skill to a player that has already been given a normal skill.

    Examples and clarifications:
    • Picking Guard on a Longbeard costs you a normal skill or two Gold bars.
    • You might pick Block on an Ogre as a special skill - for the price of a normal skill and an upgrade or three Gold bars.
    • You may pick Stand Firm on the Longbeard you already gave Guard - for the price of a normal skill and an upgrade or three Gold bars.
    • You can purchase two doubles and a stack or two stacks and a double but never more than three special skills in total.
    • No Player can get two doubles or more than two extra skills.

    Team Tiers

    Tier 0: Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Wood Elves
    • 6 normal skills

    Tier 1: Amazon, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarves
    • 6 normal skills and two gold bars

    Tier 2: Necromantic, Norse, Orcs, Skaven
    • 7 normal skills and two gold bars

    Tier 3: Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human
    • 7 normal skills and four gold bars

    Tier 4: Chaos Chosen, High Elves, Khemri Tomb Kings, Nurgle, Slann
    • 8 normal skills and four gold bars

    Tier 5: Underworld Denizens, Daemons of Khorne, Vampires
    • 9 normal skills and four gold bars

    Tier 6: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres
    • 9 normal skills and seven gold bars.
  • edited January 2020
    Tournament format
    The tournament consist of six rounds.

    All individual games in will be scored as follow:
    • Win = 5 individual points
    • Draw = 2 individual points
    • Lose = 0 individual points.

    The Squad that gets the most individual points from a match up will get a squad win for that match up. If both squads get the same total of individual points they both get a squad draw.

    The squad matchup will be scored as follow:
    • Squad win = 2 squad points
    • Squad draw = 1 squad point
    • Squad loss = 0 squad points

    The Squads are ranked as follow:
    1. the sum of squad points,
    2. then sum of opponent’s squad points,
    3. then sum of individual points,
    4. then net TD score,
    5. then net CAS score *
    6. then by the earlier complete squad registration (ie. sent in all the information correctly and paid, if a squad sends in the correct information and later want to make changes, the date and time for those changes are the date and time that count for this tie-breaker).

    * Please note that only casualties that would yield star player point count for tiebreaker.

    The individuals are ranked as follow:**
    1. sum of individual points
    2. sum of opponents individual points
    3. net TD
    4. net CAS
    5. random.

    ** Please note that the best individual standings aren't rewarded with any prize as STT2020 is foremost a squad tournament.

    Determining matchups at STT2020
    Squad matchups are decided with a Swiss system
    The first matchup between squads will be primarily determined based on a random draw. The first round the origin of the team will also be considered so that two squads representing the same town will not play each other if it is possible to avoid.
    For the rest of the tournament, squads will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. a squad will face another squad with a similar sum of squad points that they have not played yet).

    Individual matchups are decided by the squad with the highest total level
    The coaches will choose which coach will play which opposing coach.
    If one of the two squads have a higher total level, that squad will have five minutes to determine all matchups.
    If the squads have the same total level, a random draw will determine the squad that will choose the first matchup. The other squad will then determine all other matchups.

    Squads total level
    To calculate a squad’s total level, please combine the level of the four teams in the squad from the table below. The squads total level is used to determine what squad gets to select the matchups.
    • Level 0 - Lizardmen, Dwarf, Wood Elf
    • Level 1 - Dark Elf, Necromantic, Undead
    • Level 2 - Amazon, Orc, (Pro) Elf
    • Level 3 - Norse, Skaven, Human, Chaos Dwarf
    • Level 4 – Chaos, Chaos Pact, Nurgle
    • Level 5 - Slann, Underworld, High Elf, Khemri, Vampire
    • Level 6 - Khorne, Bretonnians
    • Level 8 - Goblin, Ogre, Halfling

    Drop out
    If a squad lacks a team member because of a late dropout and neither the squad nor the organizers can find a replacement member, the squad will play with only 3 individual members. The fourth game will then count as an automatic 0-2 loss. If this applies to both squads, the game is considered a 0-0 draw. The same system is repeated if more than one coach is missing.

    Odd number of squads
    If there are an odd number of squads a trio of squads will be formed (squad A, B, C). The squads in the trio will be the lowest-ranked squads in the standings. A squad can have to be in“the trio” more than one round. The individual pairings in the trio are formed as follow:

    *If the squads all have different total level the squad with the highest total level chooses their matchups, 2 against each of the other two squads. Then the squad with the second-highest level chooses the remaining two matchups.

    *If the highest total level is shared by two squads (squad A and B) they will be randomized to either A or B and then choose matchup according to the following procedure.
    1: Squad A chooses a matchup against Squad C
    2: Squad B chooses a matchup against Squad A
    3: Squad B chooses a matchup against Squad C
    4: Squad A chooses a matchup against Squad B
    5: Squad B chooses a matchup against Squad C
    6: Squad A chooses a matchup against Squad C

    * If a total squad level that ain't the highest are shared between two squads the squad with the highest level first choose their matchups and the last two matchups are then randomized.

    * If the total squad level is the same over all the three squads the squads are randomized into squad A, B, and C and then chooses matchups according to the following procedure:
    - A gets first pick (and the last pick but then there are only two teams remaining)
    - B gets second and fifth
    - C gets third and fourth.
    - No squad may pick so they face off against another squad in the trio more than twice during the matchup.

    To ensure a tournament in good sport and the best fun for everybody there are a series of rules on how to conduct yourself as a coach.
    • You may not interfere with other coaches' games, except to point out obvious rules mistakes. When in doubt, ask the tournament organizer.
    • You must allow your opponent to use your dice if he or she so wishes. If you want to use some sort of custom block/d6/d8-dice instead of the "standard" dice from the Blood Bowl game, you must ask your opponent permission.
    • Before kickoff: You must present your team before the game begins, i.e. which miniature that are representing which position on your roster, which skills you have on your roster. You are also to ensure that your opponent and you agree on how to handle crooked dice, what constitutes a crooked die and how you handle takebacks.
    • The following 2 rules can be agreed upon by both coaches in their mutual game. A rule you have agreed upon is fixed afterward - unless both coaches agree to cancel it again.
    1) Illegal procedures can only be called if both coaches agree to enforce the rule.
    2) If the game comes under the time rules you can mutually agree that a player who runs out of time isn't forced to abandon all voluntary actions. In that case, both players share the same time pool and the game be called by the tournament organizer when the time runs out, and the current score at that time will be the official record.

    Setting up 12 miniatures
    Both coaches are responsible to check that the limit of 11 players isn’t exceeded during any setup. If the limit anyhow would be exceeded and this is discovered after kickoff, a random player from the “lineman position” (i.e. a player with 0-12 or 0-16) will be removed and placed in the reserves from the offending team. If a player would result in an illegal setup – leaving a player with just 2 players on the line of scrimmage for example – that player isn’t available for removing. If no player from the “lineman position” can be removed, remove another random player taken from all the players on the offending team.

    TO recommends the coaches play with a clock from the start of the game.
    With about 30-40 minutes left of the round, the Organizers will be checking up on all games. If a game has not reached a suitable point you will be handed a clock (chess clock) with an equal amount of time for you and your opponent (half of the time left in the round for each). The time you are given is the time you have for the rest of your turns combined. If you are handed a clock you will have to use it. If you run out of time you may not make any more voluntary actions i.e. you may not say attempt interceptions or take any actions, but you may say roll armor rolls if your opponent knocks himself over. Note that this can potentially allow your opponent to have several turns in a row.

  • edited March 2020
    Being late
    If you are more than 30 minutes late your opponent is entitled to force you to concede. Winning a game this way gives a 1-0 win (TD wise) and 0-0 on the casualty tiebreaker. If you are more than 15 minutes late and the time rule is enforced, you will only get 1/3 of the remaining time and your opponent will get 2/3 of the remaining time.

    Paint and miniatures
    Painted miniatures are mandatory. Those squads who have teams, that by the tournament staff is deemed not painted (ie ALL miniatures are not painted and flocked to a sufficient standard.) will get –1 squad point per unpainted team, the point will be removed after match 6.
    The miniatures don’t have to be original GW-minis. However, the miniatures must be representative of the roster's race and the players position must be easily recognizable from other positions.
    If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, the opponent can mark/label them (without damaging the miniatures, of course) to make the game more perspicuous. This marking could be done with bottle caps or colored rings etc. If you know that your opponent usually has difficulties to recognize your different positions you are encouraged to label your miniatures ahead of the tournament.

    We encourage you to use the following color-coded bases:
    Grey/Black/None: Lineman
    Red: Blitzer
    Green: Blocker
    White: Thrower
    Yellow: Catcher/Runner

    Squad prices
    SweBBA Team Champions
    Runner up

    Individual awards
    Top Scorer (the coach with most TD)
    Most Brutal (the coach with most CAS)
    Best Stunty (best-placed tier 6 team)
    The New Kid On The Block (best coach participating first time at a NAF-tournament)

    Participating Squads

    The Squads that have register to participate in the tournament so far:

    Latino Lovers:
    Loner, MrCappuccino, Tank, Tripleskull

    Bärsande Bashers & Annat Bös
    Skuld, inforthepain, Pidpad, Oberwald_1

    Wingolf-Mauritz med Tuba feat. Ztaffan
    Pellevin, Drexxl, SpoiledSquid, Broccoli

    Team Nåt skittufft och skräckinjagande
    grumplekins, razta, ionas, nyaga

    Inspiration Saknas
    ozt, bim, niwniw, mokeyrouge

    Tre Köttbullar
    Jopotzuki, Tonalto, Brutopatia, Kojo

    Fyra Kronor
    Aleksimeuronen, Ratogre, N3rk, sexmachine

    The Cutlery Crew
    Lard, dragons, coma, suncar

    Team Twin Mountain
    Zedd, Aos, Ikterus, Donnydingel

    Lock, Duck & 2 smoking bowlers
    Duckwing, havajii, Lockmund, Sir_twist

    imp, smokey, jimmieblla, Melisqus
  • Under rubriken "Drop Out" kanske ni vill byta "third" mot "fourth".
  • Pellevin wrote: »
    Under rubriken "Drop Out" kanske ni vill byta "third" mot "fourth".

  • Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...
  • Drexxl wrote: »
    Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...

    jag och @spoiledsquid är två.
  • Hur utnämner ni individuell segrare? (Om denna turnering skall vara med i SCAM)
  • Bah! Varför är Brets så ofta i så hög tier? Vill man inte att folk ska spela dom?
  • Jag gissar att det är en kvarleva från när knightsen hade move 8.
  • Oberwald_1 wrote: »
    Bah! Varför är Brets så ofta i så hög tier? Vill man inte att folk ska spela dom?

    de är ju dock i tier6 gällande lagpoäng :)
  • Pellevin wrote: »
    Hur utnämner ni individuell segrare? (Om denna turnering skall vara med i SCAM)

    All individual games in will be scored as follow:
    • Win = 5 individual points
    • Draw = 2 individual points
    • Lose = 0 individual points
  • Låter skitkul! Hoppas det timear livet bra så kommer vi upp med ett lag från GBG/Malmö. :)
  • Försiktigt intresserad... men har inga vänner :(
  • Intresserad (förutsatt att livet inte bråkar).
    Scisco wrote: »
    Försiktigt intresserad... men har inga vänner :(
    Vänner får man genom att ens föräldrar betalar eller att det finns plats över i nåt lag, det brukar ordna sig.
  • brocCooLi wrote: »
    Drexxl wrote: »
    Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...

    jag och @spoiledsquid är två.

    Ah, jag kan tyvärr inte, annars hade vi redan haft t-shirtar.

  • edited January 2020
    Preliminärt så är jag på!

    Måste hoppa på denna.. :'(
  • pedda wrote: »
    brocCooLi wrote: »
    Drexxl wrote: »
    Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...

    jag och @spoiledsquid är två.

    Ah, jag kan tyvärr inte, annars hade vi redan haft t-shirtar.

    Kan eller vill?
  • Drexxl wrote: »
    pedda wrote: »
    brocCooLi wrote: »
    Drexxl wrote: »
    Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...

    jag och @spoiledsquid är två.

    Ah, jag kan tyvärr inte, annars hade vi redan haft t-shirtar.

    Kan eller vill?

    Kan inte. Det är familjesemester planerat för denna vecka, inklusive helg.
    Hade velat
  • pedda wrote: »
    Drexxl wrote: »
    pedda wrote: »
    brocCooLi wrote: »
    Drexxl wrote: »
    Jag är på, nu är det bara att hitta 3 personer som står ut med mig...

    jag och @spoiledsquid är två.

    Ah, jag kan tyvärr inte, annars hade vi redan haft t-shirtar.

    Kan eller vill?

    Kan inte. Det är familjesemester planerat för denna vecka, inklusive helg.
    Hade velat

    kul att du fått in hela familjen i hobbyn och att ni dyker upp som ett lag!
    men jag hoppas det blir en fantastisk semester för er :)
  • Lard wrote: »
    Pellevin wrote: »
    Hur utnämner ni individuell segrare? (Om denna turnering skall vara med i SCAM)
    All individual games in will be scored as follow:
    • Win = 5 individual points
    • Draw = 2 individual points
    • Lose = 0 individual points
    Ok, om du tycker det är uppenbart att det även gäller individuell placering lever vi i helt olika världar. Dessutom saknar jag tiebreakers.
  • edited January 2020
    reglerna wrote:
    The individuals are ranked as follow:**
    1. sum of individual points
    2. sum of opponents individual points
    3. net TD
    4. net CAS
    5. random.

    ** Please note that the best individual standings aren't rewarded with any prize as STT2020 is foremost a squad tournament.
  • Det däremot är faktiskt ganska tydligt.
  • Vilka pile on regler är det? Hittade inte nånstans.
  • edited January 2020
    razta wrote: »
    Vilka pile on regler är det? Hittade inte nånstans.
    Bb2016 dvs kostar en rr
  • edited January 2020
    Inga slave giants va?
    Edit: Nä de kom ju senare än review.
    Och står inte listade som inducement
  • Första laget som har anmält att dom kommer. Välkomna Latino Lovers!
    Nu är vi igång! :)
  • Bärsande Bashers & Annat Bös har anmält sig!
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