ValentineBowl 15-16 februari i Stockholm

edited January 2020 in Turneringar
We welcome one and all to the hopefully annual ValentineBowl Extravaganza Extraordinaire! This is a blood bowl tournament held in the pleasure palace of a nameless demon servant of Slaanesh. It’s all about love, blood, and touchdowns. Come join in the fun!
Location: Alfaspel, Instrumentvägen 2, 126 53 Hägersten

6 rounds, Swiss format (3/1/0, tiebreakers: Opponent Score>net TD>net CAS>fewest conceded TDs>coin toss)
Day 1
9.00-9.30 registration
9.30-12.00 Round 1
13.00-15.30 Round 2
15.45-18.15 Round 3
19.30-21.00 Round 4
Day 2
9.30-12.00 Round 5
13.00-15.30 Round 6
15.45-16.00 Prize Ceremony and Goodbyes

Entrance Fee
NAF member: 200 kr
Non-member: 500 kr
Joining NAF member: 250 kr (includes 1-year NAF membership)
All entrance fees will be used to finance the tournament and prizes.
Pay to Razta: Swish (Petter Norlin) 0735-07 85 86 - INCLUDE YOUR COACH NAME - if you don’t have Swish we will sort it out, get in touch.

Let us know you’re coming:

Deadline for team builds
Submit team build for approval to by 11 Feb 2020.

Team builds follow 2020 Eurobowl Rules:

ValentineBowl Crowd Moods
As ValentineBowl is played indoors, the weather table will not be used. However, the crowd’s violently passionate mood has its own impact on play, and the following Crowd Mood table is used whenever weather would have been rolled.

2 - Screams of Agony and Bliss
The audience’s howls of passion disturb the play; -1 to all pickup, pass, and hypnotic gaze rolls.

3 - Pheromone Secretion
Some of Slaanesh’s most favoured audience members get into the spirit of things and begin to emit mind-altering pheromones that put literally everybody on edge. If a prone player is adjacent to another prone player of either team, standing up requires a 2+ roll. Also, only quick or short passes can be made (closer players seem more… interesting than less proximal ones).

4-10 - Post-Climactic Calm
If the previous mood was Post-Climactic Calm, fluids will have amassed and lubricated the playing surface, which causes the ball to scatter one extra square at kick-off. No further effect. Note: this extra scatter is an extra bounce, not a wind effect - the ball can be caught in the first square.

11 - Jets of Incandescent Sticky Mess
Make a throw-in roll from the mid-point of each pitch side (1d3 for direction, 2d6 for distance, randomly determine which side of the LOS to count as the mid-point) to determine the location of a globule of demonic body fluids. Globules landing in the crowd are not thrown back in. Any globule that comes to rest on the pitch is to be represented by a globule token. The square it occupies is impassable, and while it exerts no TZs, it has the equivalent of Strength 5 and Tentacles for purposes of voluntarily leaving any square adjacent to it. If a globule hits a player, scatter that player (and in turn any player that player bumps into etc).
Players pushed into a globule simply remain in place. Players pushed away from a globule are pushed as normal. If the ball should scatter into the square, scatter again.
Any globules still on the pitch when this crowd mood is rolled are left in place (i.e., consecutive rolls will cause more of the sticky mess to build up on the pitch). If any crowd mood other than Jets of Incandescent Sticky Mess is rolled, remove all globules currently on the pitch.

12 - Uninhibited Free-for-all Bonanza
The crowd invades the pitch area and tries to carry team players and staff away for some private time. Functions like Sweltering Heat, but affects coaching staff and players in the dugout and KO box on a 1 or 2 (roll at end of drive) making them unavailable until next drive. This roll is made before KO rolls, and a knocked out player who is affected may not roll to regain consciousness this drive.

- 1, 2, 3 place
- Best stunty
- Best Noob
- Duo Cup
- Sweetest Couple
- Snazziest Squad
- Spot prizes

ValentineBowl Duo Cup
At ValentineBowl, which is an individual Swiss tournament, all participants will also be participating in the ValentineBowl Team Cup.

Your first round opponent will be your teammate. Starting in round two, your teams joint score (and tiebreakers) will be tracked to determine which team will win the ValentineBowl Duo Cup.


  • edited February 2020
    (B) = Betalat
    (R) = Roster inskickat till mail

    Någon av ovan ska vara gjorda för att räknas som anmäld.


    Komplett anmälan:
    razta (BR)
    grumplekins (BR)
    thursablot (BR)
    pidpad (BR)
    mikethemachine (BR)
    Nyaga (BR)
    Melisqus (BR)
    Jimmieblla (BR)
    Pertan (BR)
    cynial (BR)
    Juiblex (BR)
    PrivateNiCeGuY (BR)
    coma (BR)
    spiledsquid (BR)
    pellevin (BR)
    skuld (BR)
    Kaju (BR)
    mumin (BR)
    duckwing (BR)

    Saknar roster eller bet:

    Morn (R)
    inforthepain (R)

  • Skriv upp mig.
  • Mig också.
  • Släng med mig också
  • upp med mig med.
  • Betald och anmäld.
  • Låter mer som Orgy-bowl än nåt annat...
  • Jag är fortfarande på.
    @Pellevin skall jag betala för dig så blir det enkelt
  • Jag anmäler mig

    Två regelfrågor redan nu:

    1) Kan en spelare blocka en "globule" från Jets of Incandescent Sticky Mess?

    2) Vid Uninhibited Free-for-all Bonanza, påverkas inte spelare ute på planen?
  • edited January 2020
    Duckwing wrote: »
    Jag anmäler mig

    Två regelfrågor redan nu:

    1) Kan en spelare blocka en "globule" från Jets of Incandescent Sticky Mess?
    2) Vid Uninhibited Free-for-all Bonanza, påverkas inte spelare ute på planen?

    1) Nej, och 2) Nej
  • Anmäler mig till detta och betalt.
  • coma wrote: »
    Jag är fortfarande på.
    @Pellevin skall jag betala för dig så blir det enkelt
    Det låter jättebra!
  • Anmäler mig nu, kanske måste hoppa av
  • Jag anmäler mig. Som jag har nämnt till arrangörerna så kommer jag något sent till rond 1 då jag åker till Stockholm på lördagmorgonen.
  • Anmäler mig!
  • uppdaterat listan och shamefull bump!
  • Har jag betalt? Visste inte jag.
  • Pidpad wrote: »
    Har jag betalt? Visste inte jag.

    Din bror har löst det
  • Jag ska ha betalat - checka swishen! :)
  • Jag är gärna med på detta och som sagt så har jag plats för en eller två som behöver sovplats. Bor i Bredäng, ca 15 minuter bort dörr till dörr med tunneltåg.
  • Hur kan man betala om man inte har swish? Kan ni skicka över kontonummer eller löser vi det på plats?
  • edited January 2020
    Melisqus wrote: »
    Hur kan man betala om man inte har swish? Kan ni skicka över kontonummer eller löser vi det på plats?
    Isf kan vi lösa det på plats. Det underlättar såklart om så många som möjligt kan betala i förväg men det är inget stort problem.
  • Får tyvärr hoppa av denna gång, ska både fira alla hjärtans dag med tösen samt se stand up. Blir lite tajt med tid... :/
  • Ta med tösen och lyssna på Pellevin, det är som stand up.
    Bara ett tips ;)
  • Drexxl wrote: »
    Får tyvärr hoppa av denna gång, ska både fira alla hjärtans dag med tösen samt se stand up. Blir lite tajt med tid... :/

  • edited January 2020
    Ta med tösen och lyssna på Pellevin, det är som stand up.
    Bara ett tips ;)
    jamendåså! :*
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