In the Halfling vs Halfling matchup with Brocclings and Smal Fat and Beautiful Puggy Baconbreath saw the chance to earn some money. He signed a contract with boath teams and havent been seen since then.
The weather is still nice when round 3 starts.
The amazing amazon linewoman #9 Lysippe did not let that pass hit it's target. Her legs grew a few inches. Nothing strange with that at all!!! Shut up!
First Successful Long Bomb Pass of te tournament is made by the now famous #8 Thro-Ra Fummlo!
The weather forecast for the second round is nice Blood Bowl weather.
The first round is now played and the coaches is having a break. The matchups for round two is now complete.
What marks a team leader is to really preform when needed. Mini Houdini, #3 Gutter Runner, got the ball and commanded his teammate to go deep. The ball was in the air and the rats got a TD.
Khemri was the first race to make a Thouchdown this tournament. The rumour spreds wild and the #7 Thro-Ra is now a real Fan Favorite arounbd the whole realm.
When the crowd get a chance to deal some damage they really love Blood Bowl and the player that help them. #1 Blitzer in Verminton Tailgunners surfed a player and loved it. He wants more and is now in Frenzy mode for the rest of the tournament.
Outch!!! The Chaos Ogre, Häst, loooove blood and got his fail deal when he was the first player to kill another in a block/blitz action. That Ogre really has a Disturbing Presence around him after that.
The dirty coach Thursablot had orderd his team to really damage the other team. #12 Satariel-Den Fördolde, a Hobgoblin, went in for the kill with a foul action. But the Ref did see that little bugger! Satariel is now a known Dirty Player.
The Dwarf coach Ozt earned the first skill with a failed dodge on #6 James De Wolf the Troll Slayer. The dwarf got a really bad scar in the face and now got Foul Apperance.
3 Amazon ¤ 3 Dark Elf<BR>3 Orc ¤ 3 Undead<BR>2 Chaos Pact ¤ 2 Halflings<BR>2 High Elf ¤ 2 Lizardmen<BR>2 Norse ¤ 2 Skaven<BR>2 Undead ¤ 2 Wood Elf<BR>1 Chaos Dwarf ¤ 1 Dwarf<BR>1 Goblin ¤ 1 Khemri<BR>1 Necromantic ¤ 1 Ogre<BR>
we have a saviour among us. The Wood Elf coach for the Poison Brewers saved the day and took Purrelitos place in the tornament.
The first game matchups is now randomly decided. Let the best Super Brawler win!
Sadly, Purelito, the coach for the Orc team Fluffy White Bunnies is nowhere to be seen. The judges are now investigating how this will be resolved.
Nuffle, the great god of dice, is present at the Super Brawl MMXIV. He will screw up your game by making you roll as bad as possible for countless numbers of turns.
ETT STORT TACK till samtliga deltagare som gjorde denna helgen till en grymt härlig upplevelse. Super Brawl är över för i år och det finns goda förhoppningar om att det återkommer i en eller annan form nästa år. TACK!
På resultatlistan nedan ser ni slutgiltiga resultaten. det kommer så snart det går in på NAF.
jag förstår att det finns kommentarer på reglerna och tar gärna emot detta på PM för att kunna göra eventuellt ännu bättre turneringar i framtiden!
Tack @Bernuz för en grym turnering. Bra uppstyrt, snygga loggor, episk stämning! Tack till alla snälla coacher som lät mig göra mål.
Ses och hörs!
Äntligen hemma i ume igen, efter en helt underbar helg. Så grymt bra jobbat Bernuz, allt har varit i toppklass. Och tack alla underbara spelkamrater för att ni också kom och ville umgås
#SuperbrawlMMXIV på instagram. Det kommer.
för dem som kör google chrome så kan ni kika in på denna sida.
där kommer det löpande finnas info om turneringen.
alla som inte har google chrome kan gå in med men det ser inte lika funt kanske
In the Halfling vs Halfling matchup with Brocclings and Smal Fat and Beautiful Puggy Baconbreath saw the chance to earn some money. He signed a contract with boath teams and havent been seen since then.
The weather is still nice when round 3 starts.
The amazing amazon linewoman #9 Lysippe did not let that pass hit it's target. Her legs grew a few inches. Nothing strange with that at all!!! Shut up!
First Successful Long Bomb Pass of te tournament is made by the now famous #8 Thro-Ra Fummlo!
The weather forecast for the second round is nice Blood Bowl weather.
The first round is now played and the coaches is having a break. The matchups for round two is now complete.
What marks a team leader is to really preform when needed. Mini Houdini, #3 Gutter Runner, got the ball and commanded his teammate to go deep. The ball was in the air and the rats got a TD.
Khemri was the first race to make a Thouchdown this tournament. The rumour spreds wild and the #7 Thro-Ra is now a real Fan Favorite arounbd the whole realm.
When the crowd get a chance to deal some damage they really love Blood Bowl and the player that help them. #1 Blitzer in Verminton Tailgunners surfed a player and loved it. He wants more and is now in Frenzy mode for the rest of the tournament.
Outch!!! The Chaos Ogre, Häst, loooove blood and got his fail deal when he was the first player to kill another in a block/blitz action. That Ogre really has a Disturbing Presence around him after that.
The dirty coach Thursablot had orderd his team to really damage the other team. #12 Satariel-Den Fördolde, a Hobgoblin, went in for the kill with a foul action. But the Ref did see that little bugger! Satariel is now a known Dirty Player.
The Dwarf coach Ozt earned the first skill with a failed dodge on #6 James De Wolf the Troll Slayer. The dwarf got a really bad scar in the face and now got Foul Apperance.
3 Amazon ¤ 3 Dark Elf<BR>3 Orc ¤ 3 Undead<BR>2 Chaos Pact ¤ 2 Halflings<BR>2 High Elf ¤ 2 Lizardmen<BR>2 Norse ¤ 2 Skaven<BR>2 Undead ¤ 2 Wood Elf<BR>1 Chaos Dwarf ¤ 1 Dwarf<BR>1 Goblin ¤ 1 Khemri<BR>1 Necromantic ¤ 1 Ogre<BR>
we have a saviour among us. The Wood Elf coach for the Poison Brewers saved the day and took Purrelitos place in the tornament.
The first game matchups is now randomly decided. Let the best Super Brawler win!
Sadly, Purelito, the coach for the Orc team Fluffy White Bunnies is nowhere to be seen. The judges are now investigating how this will be resolved.
Nuffle, the great god of dice, is present at the Super Brawl MMXIV. He will screw up your game by making you roll as bad as possible for countless numbers of turns.
Må Nuffle guida era nävar in i ansiktet på motståndarna.
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Runda 1 Lag Ras Coach TD CAS Resultat
Match 1
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 1 1 L
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 1 2 L
Match 2
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 1 0 L
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 1 4 L
Match 3
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 2 1 L
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 2 1 L
Match 4
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 1 1 L
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 1 2 L
Match 5
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 2 1 V
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 0 4 F
Match 6
Orchestra Orc Seastream 0 2 F
Orkonautz Orc coma 2 0 V
Match 7
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 2 2 V
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 1 0 F
Match 8
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 1 2 L
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 1 0 L
Match 9
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 2 2 V
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 0 0 F
Match 10
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 1 2 L
The True Amazon Amazon bim 1 1 L
Match 11
Black Death Undead Melisqus 1 1 L
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 1 3 L
Match 12
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 1 2 L
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 1 3 L
Match 13
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 1 3 F
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 3 4 V
Match 14 21 Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 0 2 F
11 Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 1 2 V
Match 15
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 0 2 F
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 1 7 V
Match 16
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 2 3 V
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 1 0 F
Runda 2 Lag Ras Coach TD CAS
Match 1
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 0 3
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 0 2
Match 2
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 0 2
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 4 1
Match 3
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 1 0
Orkonautz Orc coma 0 0
Match 4
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 2 2
Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 1 0
Match 5
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 3 2
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 2 1
Match 6
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 0 1
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 1 1
Match 7
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 0 2
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 1 3
Match 8
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 1 2
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 0 0
Match 9
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 0 2
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 4 0
Match 10
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 0 1
The True Amazon Amazon bim 1 2
Match 11
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 0 1
Black Death Undead Melisqus 1 5
Match 12
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 2 0
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 4 1
Match 13
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 2 0
Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 2 1
Match 14
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 4 1
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 0 1
Match 15
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 2 3
Orchestra Orc Seastream 0 3
Match 16
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 2 1
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 3 5
Match 1
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 0 1 F
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 1 0 V
Match 2
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 2 6 V
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 1 2 F
Match 3
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 2 5 V
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 1 0 F
Match 4
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 2 2 V
Black Death Undead Melisqus 0 0 F
Match 5
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 2 3 V
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 0 2 F
Match 6
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 4 4 V
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 1 0 F
Match 7
The True Amazon Amazon bim 2 2 L
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 2 1 L
Match 8
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 1 2 L
Orkonautz Orc coma 1 3 L
Match 9
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 1 2 L
Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 1 3 L
Match 10
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 2 0 V
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 0 1 F
Match 11
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 3 3 V
Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 0 2 F
Match 12
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 1 2 F
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 2 3 V
Match 13
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 0 0 F
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 3 3 V
Match 14
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 2 5 V
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 0 2 F
Match 15
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 1 0 F
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 2 0 V
Match 16
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 2 2 L
Orchestra Orc Seastream 2 3 L
Match 1
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 1 2 L
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 1 0 L
Match 2
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 1 0 F
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 2 0 V
Match 3
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 2 2 L
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 2 0 L
Match 4
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 2 2 L
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 2 5 L
Match 5
The True Amazon Amazon bim 2 1 V
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 1 3 F
Match 6
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 0 1 F
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 1 6 V
Match 7
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 1 1 F
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 3 4 V
Match 8
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 1 0 F
Orkonautz Orc coma 2 4 V
Match 9
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 0 0 L
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 0 1 L
Match 10
Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 2 2 V
Black Death Undead Melisqus 1 0 F
Match 11
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 2 6 F
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 3 1 V
Match 12
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 3 3 L
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 3 4 L
Match 13
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 4 5 V
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 0 1 F
Match 14
Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 4 6 V
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 0 3 F
Match 15
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 0 2 F
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 3 2 V
Match 16
Orchestra Orc Seastream 5 5 V
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 1 1 F
Match 1
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 2 5 V
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 1 3 F
Match 2
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 1 0 L
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 1 2 L
Match 3
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 2 1 V
The True Amazon Amazon bim 1 1 F
Match 4
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 2 4 V
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 0 1 F
Match 5
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 0 2 F
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 1 2 V
Match 6
Orkonautz Orc coma 2 2 V
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 0 0 F
Match 7
Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 2 5 V
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 1 1 F
Match 8
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 1 0 L
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 1 1 L
Match 9
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 0 1 F
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 3 4 V
Match 10
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 3 1 V
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 2 2 F
Match 11
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 0 1 F
Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 1 4 V
Match 12
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 1 0 F
Orchestra Orc Seastream 2 3 V
Match 13
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 0 1 F
Black Death Undead Melisqus 2 2 V
Match 14
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 2 1 V
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 1 1 F
Match 15
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 2 4 V
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 1 0 F
Match 16
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 5 1 V
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 0 2 F
Match 1
Svenskar som steppar Undead Dragons 2 5 V
Toombah Stompahs Orc Pellevin 1 5 F
Match 2
Burebaronerna High Elf JohnnyD 2 1 L
Maledor Manticores Dark Elf Mago 2 0 L
Match 3
Orkonautz Orc coma 0 0 F
Götebikings Norse Skoberget 2 2 V
Match 4
Holy Sisters of Thyr Amazon mufflo 2 0 L
Verminton Tailgunners Skaven inforthepain 2 1 L
Match 5
Old Ma Chaos Chaos Pact Lard 1 3 V
Scanian Avengers Norse Duckwing 0 1 F
Match 6
The True Amazon Amazon bim 2 1 V
Axlotl Fuming Serpents Lizardmen Jammydodger 1 0 F
Match 7
Brocclings Halflings brocCooLi 2 3 V
The Poison Brewerz Wood Elf Lincoln 1 1 F
Match 8
Orchestra Orc Seastream 1 2 V
Berghem Brawlers Chaos Pact khanmank 0 0 F
Match 9
Black Death Undead Melisqus 1 3 V
Stone Cold Killers Lizardmen Rajden 0 0 F
Match 10
Blackspines Sentries High Elf hemlighallaren 1 1 L
Crazy Gang Khemri wigstrand 1 4 L
Match 11
Han Solos Dark Elf krappington 0 0 F
Orelake Privateers Dwarf Ozt 1 4 V
Match 12
Andromache's headhunters Amazon Mr.Selecta 2 4 V
Det sekundära kliffot Chaos Dwarf Thursablot 1 1 F
Match 13
Flayed Rock Titans Ogre Gimpen 0 2 F
Astrid's Gangstars Wood Elf kaju 6 3 V
Match 14
Gothenburg Pale Ales Dark Elf equilibri 4 3 V
The Lost Congregation Necromantic Betty 0 1 F
Match 15
Kings of Asgard Undead balder 2 2 V
Death from biloow Skaven Jox 1 0 F
Match 16
Smal Fat and Beautiful Halflings Emilskaya 3 2 V
Rocky Road to Goblin Goblin Karbunkelsopp 0 6 F
På resultatlistan nedan ser ni slutgiltiga resultaten. det kommer så snart det går in på NAF.
jag förstår att det finns kommentarer på reglerna och tar gärna emot detta på PM för att kunna göra eventuellt ännu bättre turneringar i framtiden!
Ses och hörs!
Vill tacka allihop för en bra helg, jag har haft jättekul!
Tills vi ses nästa gång /Bim, The True Amazon