Snowbowl XI 14-15 December 2024

edited October 15 in Turneringar

Äntligen kommer meddelandet alla har väntat på. Snowbowl blir av som planerat tack och lov. Tillgången till lokalen vi haft de senaste 6-7 åren har vi inte längre tillgång till. Men ny lokal är löst och allt beräknas flyta på som vanligt.

Medborgarskolans lokaler Myggatan 3, 771 32 Ludvika

Datum jul 14-15 dec.

200 SEK, 400 SEK för inklusive nafmedlemskap. Medlemskap går att lösa på plats för cirka 100 kr

Registrering skickas till

Swish: 070-929 26 49

Format: Round Robin + playoffs, Alla garanterade 6 matcher


09:00 Registrering och lottning:

09:30 - 11:45 Match 1

11:45 - 14:15 Match 2

14:15- 15-15 Lunch

15:15 - 17:30 Match 3

17:30 - 19:45 Match 4

19:46 - sent Social & Middag


09:30 - 11:45 Match 5

12:00 - 14:15 Match 6

14:15 - 15:00 Prize cermony

Tie-breaker are done by penalty shoot-out:

* Rules for penalty shoot-out.

Before penalty, both teams can make KO rolls to regain extra players. The penalty shoot-out takes place in a classic best of 5 penalties shoot-out each. If there would be a draw after 5 penalties shoot-out will the match be taken into golden goal penalties shoot-out. Each penalty consists of an unmodified strength test for distance and an unmodified agility test for accuracy. Players who hold the skill Kick will have +1 for both rolls in the penalty shoot-out. If a team can´t field any players for the shoot-out the team have too wait until the opposing team has made a penalty for all of its remaining players before each team starts with their respective first shooters again.

ag3+ = 4+ roll krävs

str 3 = 4+ roll krävs

For NAF purposes the game will be registred as a draw as per the full time result.

Rules for roster creation:

The Tournament uses the Bloodbowl 2020 edition Exhibition play rules.

Minimum of 11 rostred players before any possible starplayers is manditory.

No Stacking for any tier. All tiers are allowed to sell one skill access for 30 Gold for their roster creation.

Tier 1 1130 tv - 6 skills

Skaven, woodelf, lizard, dwarf, amazon, darkelf, undead, underworld, orc

Tier 2 1140 8 skills

Norse, necro, human, chaos dwarf, tomb kings, high elves, vampire, khorne

Tier 3 1150 8+1 skills

Chaos, renegade, elven union, slann, imperial nobility, black orc, owa

Tier 4 1160 tv 10 skillpoints to spend freely, access to one non megastar starplayer.

Gnomes, hafling, goblin, snotling, nurgle, ogre


0-1 Halfling Master Chef (300k, 100k for halfling teams)

0-6 Assistant coaches (10k)

0-12 Cheerleaders (10k)

0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs (50k)

0-3 Bribes 100k (Bribery & Corruption teams, 50k)

0-2 Wandering Apothecaries (100k)

0-1 Morgue Assistant (100k)

0-1 Plague Doctor (100k)

0-1 Riotous Rookies (100k) Only low cost lineman

0-1 Biased ref (120 k) (80 k Bribery & Corruption teams)


1st - You win the final

2nd - you do not win the final, but you were there.

Goblinslayer Kaju award - Best record outside "A"-Playoff

Flairest Elf - Best sum of positive TD net and negative CAS net combined.

Last table suprise - Loserbrackets antifinal will have a suprise for the game.

Most Cas - Most players sent to the opposing cas box. Everything counts

Most Touchdowns - Scored the most TDs

Grand slann - Best Slann player.


  1. Mr Selecta
  2. Sindragosa (Danmark)
  3. Skuld (OMO)
  4. Inforthepain
  5. Grumplekins
  6. Viccy (B)
  7. brocCooLi (B)
  8. Oxinotl
  9. Chrixx
  10. Drexxl (B)
  11. Pidpad
  12. Lixtor (B)
  13. Ozt
  14. Coma
  15. Duckwing (B)
  16. Durin (B)
  17. kieth
  18. Locmund
  19. Melisqus
  20. Ionas
  21. Juiblex
  22. jokerikoinen
  23. spoiledsquid
  24. Strid
  25. Asken99 (B)
  26. Wagur (B)


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