Twin Mountain Blood Bowl Tournament 24-25 Augusti 2024 Euro'Bowl regler i Sundsvall

edited July 28 in Turneringar



Tornhuset Sundsvall

Köpmangatan 15

852 32 Sundsvall



The venue is a youth center and therefore alcohol is not allowed with no exception.





200 SEK

Swish 0730545655 (Christian Sedin)

Add your NAF name as message

Deadline for payment 2024-08-10


 Tournament Schedule





Game 1


Lunch + Best painted


Game 2


Game 3


Game 4




Game 5




Game 6








Sign up and create your roster in tourplay following the rules below


Deadline for roster 2024-08-10



EuroBowl Ruleset 2024


(Tier1): Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens.

(Tier2): Amazons, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elves

(Tier3): High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings, Elven Union, Vampires.

(Tier4): Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Slann.

(Tier5): Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle.

(Tier6): Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings.


A coach must take the appropriate Starting Gold and Skill Points (SP), according to his/her Tier.


Tier 1: 1150k & 06 SP,maximum 1 secondary skill

Tier 2: 1160k & 07 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill

Tier 3: 1170k & 08 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills

Tier 4: 1180k & 09 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills

Tier 5: 1190k & 10 SP, maximum 3 secondary skills

Tier 6: 1200k & 11 SP, unlimited secondary skills


Primary Skill = 1 SP

Secondary Skill = 2 SP


0-8 Re-Rolls, cost depending on race.

0-6 Assistant coaches for 10k.

0-12 Cheerleaders for 10k.

0-1 Apothecary, depending on race.

1-6 Dedicated fans for 10k, be aware that every team begins with 0 in Dedicated fans.



0-1 Team Mascot for 30k available to all teams.

0-1 Weather Mage for 30k available to all teams.

0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs each for 50k available to all teams.

0-3 Bribes for 100k each, for "Bribery and Corruption" teams 50k each.

0-1 Josef Bugman for 100k available to all teams.

0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100k available to teams with the "Sylvanian Spotlight" special rule.

0-1 Plague Doctor for 100k available to teams with the "Favored of Nurgle" special rule.

0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100k available to teams that can include an apothecary.

0-1 Master Chef for 300k, for 100k available to teams with the "Halfling Thimble Cup" special rule.


A roster cannot induce bribes if there is a player with the Sneaky Git skill AND/OR the Secret Weapon skill. Goblin and Snotling teams have managed to find a "legal" way to avoid this rule, so they can induce bribes while their roster contains players with the Secret Weapon skill BUT NOT the Sneaky Git skill.


A Coach MAY choose only one of the following Blessings.


Vanilla Roster: No blessings

The roster is created with all the above rules.


Blessing of Hermes: (extra gold)

One or more Skill Points can be exchanged for gold at a ratio of 30k per 1SP that will not be used. This MUST NOT take team value above 1200K before added skills.


God of boundaries, roads and travelers, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, wit, magic, and sleep. Psychopomp and divine messenger.


Blessing of Artemis: (Skill stacking)

By losing a Skill Point, you are able to stack skills to players in your roster, limiting the use according to the tier.


1 Skill Stack for Tier 1-2,

2 Skill Stacks for Tier 3-4,

3 Skill Stacks for Tier 5-6.


Additional Primary Skills = 1 SP (Skill Stacking)

Additional Secondary Skills = 2 SP (Skill Stacking)


You only lose ONE Skill point regardless of the tier you have chosen.

Example: A High Elf team (tier 3) would lose 1 skill point to put 2 skill stackings on the roster.


Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Moon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery.


Blessing of Ares: (Star Players)

One (1) Star Player can be rostered for Tier 1-4 teams, up to two (2) Star Players can be rostered for Tier 5-6 teams.


Star Players in couples count as two Star Players for the roster.


For every Star Player acquired additional Skill Points cost as follows:

Star player cost:000-099k, lose 1 Skill point.

Star player cost:100-199k, lose 2 Skill points.

Star player cost:200-299k, lose 3 Skill points.

Star player cost:300k-399k, lose 4 skill points.


(Banned Star Players)

Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Deeproot Strongbranch, Dribl & Drull, Estelle La Veneaux, Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kiroth Krakeneye, Kreek Rustgouger, Morg ‘n’ Thorg, Rodney Roachbait, Rowana Foresetfoot, Skitter Stab-Stab, Varag Ghoul-Chewer.


A starplayer cannot play in a game where both coaches have rostered them.




Blessing of Athena: (extra skill point)

One extra Skill Point is gained, as long as the usage of the Skill Points from the coach does not exceed in total 3 times that skill in the roster (including built-in skills). This extra skill should not exceed in total 3 times that skill in the roster too.


Example: A dark elf team with 4 blitzers, 2 witches and 5 LineElves can have this extra skill as long as the Skill Points from the tier and the extra Skill Point from the blessing do not add the Block skill because there are already more than 3 but not from the skill point usage, and can add maximum 1 more Dodge skill because there are already 2 in the roster and by spending 1 Skill Point the total number reaches 3.



  • AosAos
    edited July 28

    Tournament awards:


    There will be awards for the following achievements in order. We also use a share the wealth system which means that a coach can only win one price.


    Runner up

    Best painted (Painted and coached by you only!)

    Stunty cup (If there is more than one stunty team playing)

    Most touchdowns

    Most casualties

    Best painted rules

    During lunch on Saturday all coaches that wants to be considered for Best painted will set up their team for judgement on the space assigned at the venue.


    You MUST have painted your team yourself AND play the team in the tournament to be considered for best painted.

     Chess clock

    If at least one coach wants to play the game with a chess clock, and can provide one, the game will be played with a chess clock. Divide the total time for the round evenly between both coaches. It is not possible to paus during the game as the round time is still the deadline for all games. If one coach run out of time during the game the only action they can do during their turn is to stand players up. If both coaches are out of time the game is over. Finish and resolve any already started activation and then report the game as it stands.


    Bathroom break?

    The clock will run on your time as your opponent can´t play while you are away. Sometimes the set up can be timed efficiently though.

    What can I do if a coach is late to our game?

    If the round has started and your miniatures, markers and such is ready at your table set the chess clock evenly at the remaining time left and start the timer on the late coach’s time.

    Anmälda: (34/40)





    @Juiblex prel















    @Markus Schultz
















    Odd man out:


  • Oj, jag anmäler mig :)

  • Samma här!

  • Jag anmäler mig

  • anmäler mig

  • edited February 4

    Anmäler mig, preliminärt.

    måste tyvärr hoppa över denna turnering.

  • Prellar mig också

  • Anmäler mig!

  • edited May 19

    Lägger en prelimininär (eller hur man nu stavar de) anmälan !

    Jag kommer!!!

  • Anmäler mig

  • Anmäler mig

  • edited May 20

    Jag anmäler mig :)

  • Anmäler mig!

  • @Aos blir den här av nu när Liza bommar?

  • Det blir det då jag varit medveten om det ett tag och p.g.a det har vi aldrig haft en adress på det här eventet.

    Vi söker just nu efter en annan lokal, vi har alltid draknästet där vi kan ta emot ca 35 spelare men då den lokalen blir så varm och ljudnivån är ganska sämst där så koller vi just nu på andra alternativ.

    Det blir av men kan bli ett tak på hur många spelare som kan delta så smart att anmäla sig tidigt!

  • Anmäler mig

  • bumpa upp mig från prell till on-site smell då

  • Sundsvall va trevligt. Prell-anmäler mig

  • Jag anmäler mig också, vad skulle kunna gå fel?!

  • Jag anmäler mig också.

  • Anmäler mig :)

  • Anmäler mig.

  • Jag anmäler mig.

  • Jag är med!

  • Jag anmäler en Markus Schultz, nyinflyttad till Småland från Tyskland. Han vill komma igång och spela lite turneringar, har lirat mycket online. jag ber honom registrera sig på tourplay om han lyckas komma loss.

  • Det är väldigt osäkert om jag kommer få ledigt denna helg, så har sedan en tid tillbaka lämnat över ansvaret och arrangemanget till @coma och @Mortimess.

  • @Oberwald_1 Kanon gör det!

    Det kommer snart komma uppdaterad info om kostnad och lokal men inte riktigt än eftersom det inte är helt i hamn. Som många redan vet så blir det inte fler turneringar i den tidigare lokalen eftersom verksamheten där har avslutats.

    Det blir 4-2 i matcher och vi siktar på att de som behöver åka långt med tåg skall kunna ta 16.06 tåget söderut på söndagen

  • Tack för väldigt bra Info i god tid ang tågen Coma!

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