StockBowl Open
Stockbowl Open
Stockbowl Open is an open challenge based Blood Bowl Tournament that goes side by side with the regular Blood Bowl league. All teams not currently in an active league season are eligible for play. To join the season just sign up. No last date and no obligation to play all matches. You can challenge every other coach once and hence play every coach no more than twice. Every member in Stockbowl can enter one team per season, there is no negative effect for resetting the team. You can also pause a team in the season to join the regular league since the two will intersect each other.
Open League Rules
As you were:
The team is as it is on paper. All "Miss Next Game" apply. However, if a team leaves for the regular league, all "Miss Next Game" are waived before they enter that season.
In the Open league there is no cap on the team races. However, we cap the coaches. Each open season a coach can enter one team only. If that team drops out they cannot enter a new team. However, a team can at any point reset and restart as a new 1000k team of the same race with the same team name, This gives no negative effect except the feeling of failure and the anger of the fans. A paused team can at any time re-enter the season.
Match Planning:
Matches are planned by challenging other coaches. A coach can challenge every other coach once. To help with this we encourage the use of the appropriate thread in our Stockbowl forum at the Sweden Blood Bowl Alliance web portal. ( However, you cannot challenge twice in a row this way. When issuing a challenge on the forum you must wait for another coach to post a challenge before doing it again. You can however plan a game by phone, smoke signal or anyway you want, you can also play another team in between two planned matches.
Walkover/Game refusal:
Since this a challenge based league you can always say no to a game. As for now we will try to avoid printing out rules for refused games in hope that this will not be a problem.
League Points and Ranking:
Teams are ranked by league points. Points are earned as follows.
+3p for a win
+1p for a draw
+0p for a loss
tie breakers as follows. Most points, Best TD difference, least games played,
Least TD against.
The team with the most points when the season ends is the winner.
A team must be fully painted and based to win the open league. When the season ends and the winner is not fully painted they forfeit their winning place to the best placed fully painted team.
Year 1 of Stockbowl Open Starts as of today and ends the day before season 16 starts. This will be a short season to work out eventual errors and see how large the interest is.
/The Silverback Commishes
Stockbowl Open is an open challenge based Blood Bowl Tournament that goes side by side with the regular Blood Bowl league. All teams not currently in an active league season are eligible for play. To join the season just sign up. No last date and no obligation to play all matches. You can challenge every other coach once and hence play every coach no more than twice. Every member in Stockbowl can enter one team per season, there is no negative effect for resetting the team. You can also pause a team in the season to join the regular league since the two will intersect each other.
Open League Rules
As you were:
The team is as it is on paper. All "Miss Next Game" apply. However, if a team leaves for the regular league, all "Miss Next Game" are waived before they enter that season.
In the Open league there is no cap on the team races. However, we cap the coaches. Each open season a coach can enter one team only. If that team drops out they cannot enter a new team. However, a team can at any point reset and restart as a new 1000k team of the same race with the same team name, This gives no negative effect except the feeling of failure and the anger of the fans. A paused team can at any time re-enter the season.
Match Planning:
Matches are planned by challenging other coaches. A coach can challenge every other coach once. To help with this we encourage the use of the appropriate thread in our Stockbowl forum at the Sweden Blood Bowl Alliance web portal. ( However, you cannot challenge twice in a row this way. When issuing a challenge on the forum you must wait for another coach to post a challenge before doing it again. You can however plan a game by phone, smoke signal or anyway you want, you can also play another team in between two planned matches.
Walkover/Game refusal:
Since this a challenge based league you can always say no to a game. As for now we will try to avoid printing out rules for refused games in hope that this will not be a problem.
League Points and Ranking:
Teams are ranked by league points. Points are earned as follows.
+3p for a win
+1p for a draw
+0p for a loss
tie breakers as follows. Most points, Best TD difference, least games played,
Least TD against.
The team with the most points when the season ends is the winner.
A team must be fully painted and based to win the open league. When the season ends and the winner is not fully painted they forfeit their winning place to the best placed fully painted team.
Year 1 of Stockbowl Open Starts as of today and ends the day before season 16 starts. This will be a short season to work out eventual errors and see how large the interest is.
/The Silverback Commishes
Jag kommer ställa upp med ett lag ASAP. Frågan är bara vilket?
Mitt Nurgleteam "Borås Black Goats" är nu anmält
Kommer med ett orclag för min del
Nej. De kommer få en egen sb-liga. Stockbowl open year one kommer sätta reglerna även för den ligan.
Squig ball är roligt att ha emellanåt men med måtta då det är en SPP-farm för AG-lag.
(jobbig eller hur?)
annars kan du alltid prova med att ge sambon en orkidé
Nu är ytterligare ett lag ute efter pokalen i Stockbowl Open men har lite svårt att komma med.
Försöker gå med men funkar inte direkt.
Måste någon godkänna mitt inträde
Laget det gäller är The warpstone Munchers.
/Coach Jox
Den som godkänner matchen ser matchrapporten. förslagsvis skriver du där vad som hänt. Annars är en bump i lämplig tråd fungerande