Nytt på gång
The elves in the box are modular and not just like the others that are snap fit. Showed the sprue with loads of bits such as arms and heads.
Elf cards: which will include positional (much like the ones in the starter box) special play cards and blank cards that are designed to be written so you can put new stats or skills on.
Dice: blue and see-through with elf symbol on them. New pitch: elf specific one side a prestige grass pitch the other an iced over pitch (elves on ice anyone?)
Pack of card sleeves: Gold bloodbowl logo on the sleeve that will hold your special play cards perfectly.
Elf cards: which will include positional (much like the ones in the starter box) special play cards and blank cards that are designed to be written so you can put new stats or skills on.
Dice: blue and see-through with elf symbol on them. New pitch: elf specific one side a prestige grass pitch the other an iced over pitch (elves on ice anyone?)
Pack of card sleeves: Gold bloodbowl logo on the sleeve that will hold your special play cards perfectly.
Limpin’ Squig
Squigs have long been used as a ball in the Orc leagues, but lopping one of their legs off to stop them running away so easily is a recent innovation.
At the start of each team’s turn, the Limpin’ Squig will make a break for freedom. If it is being carried by a player, that player’s coach must roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the squig breaks free and bounces one square in a random direction, following all the rules for bouncing balls. Note that this does not cause a turnover. If the squig is not being carried by a player at the end of a turn, it hops 3 times, resolving each in the same way as a bouncing ball. If it hops into a player’s square and they fail to catch it, it bounces once, then stops.
Jag drar gärna en motorsåg i en alv som ligger ned på planen men att hugga av ben från (mer eller mindre) oskyldiga djur? Usch
Här finner den nyfikne dessa regler: http://bb.marmeladov.com/SquigBowl.pdf
jag håller med. alver förtjänar ju att bli sågade.
vad har den stackars squigen gjort?
inte bättre att ta ett annat djur som inte är lika snabbt istället? typ en groda?
Vi kanske inte är snabba, men vi kan hoppa över vilket försvar som helst!
Juiblex stolt coach för Slann
trodde det var orcerna?