Border Ball, Moss, Norge 12-13 august

edited May 2017 in Turneringar
Ny turnering i Norge på gang. Border Ball i Moss 12-13 august. Detaljer kommer.


  • Himla kul att ni fått igång en liten tour, @straume!
  • Någon som är sugen att åka? Min turnerings abstinens börjar tillta.
  • Jag kan, och dessutom samåka.
  • Jag kommer förmodligen att köra bil via Örebro i fall folk vill åka med
  • Skuld wrote: »
    Jag kommer förmodligen att köra bil via Göteborg i fall folk vill åka med

    grymt! jag blir gärna upplockad :D
  • Skuld wrote: »
    Jag kommer förmodligen att köra bil via Örebro i fall folk vill åka med
    Nu blir jag också lite sugen. Vet någon nåt om formatet?
  • edited July 2017
    Va kul! Da må jeg nesten også sette meg på flyet...Formatet er som Eurobowl 2016/2017.

    Hot tip: en svenske vinner, men jeg spiller uavgjort mot Skuld på et bord langt nede.
  • @straume jag behöver tider så att jag kan beställa resa.
  • Detaljer kommer. Börjar bli dags nu :D
  • edited July 2017
    Klippet og limt fra Facebook:

    Tabletopbattle har gleden av å presentere Border Ball
    Kort info på norsk:
    Når: 12-13 august 2017
    Hvor: TTB`s sine lokaler i Moss, Værftsgata 10, 1511 Moss
    Hva trenger du for å delta: Ditt eget Blood Bowl team, terninger og to utskrevne lister.
    Pris: 200 kr
    Påmelding og betaling:Betaling skjer ved oppmøte, vi kan da ta cash, vipps eller kort ( ved kort er prisen 205 kr)
    GAME ON!!!

    We are pleased to announce the first Border Ball!
    What to bring

    As a bare minimum, you need to bring:
    1. Your Blood Bowl team
    2. Your dice
    3. Two printed copies of your roster,

    All models must be clearly recognizable to your opponent.
    There is no painting requirement, but non painted teams cannot win the tournament, and we do urge you to paint you
    team , besides . painted models play better ;)

    All skills must be clearly noted on your team roster before the tournament starts and all positions and all skills must be written in English to avoid language confusion.

    We have soft drinks, snacks and more for sale at the Venue

    The organizers will provide as many pitches as we can, if more are needed we beg some of you to bring a pitch or two.

    The venue
    The venue is located Tabletopbattle`s club venue . Værftsgata 10, 1511 Moss. ( Entry to the venue is from Øysteinsgate), 5 min walk form the trainstation.

    200 NOK cash, mobile transfer ( vipps) or creditcard upon arrival

    Getting there
    Moss is only 45 min car/ train ride away from Oslo.

    If you need help/tips on travel arrangements contact us and we will assist as best we can.

    If you need a place to stay during your visit to Moss,contact me and i`ll help you along with that if you are from outside the country ;)

    The rules
    Border Ball is played with the Competition Rules Pack (CRP), provided by the NAF. They include rules for the three extra teams Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact.

    The current CRP can be downloaded at

    We play according to the resurrection style of play. All coaches start each game with the same roster and all skills they registered before the tournament. There are no permanent deaths, and no Star Player Points will be awarded during the tournaments.

    Illegal procedures will not be called throughout the

    Team building
    Each coach build their team with a treasury consisting of 1,100,000 gold crowns.
    Note that this is 100k more than you normally get when making your team in Blood Bowl.

    Inducements are only available to tier 3 teams, with the following restrictions:
    All tier 3 teams can buy 0-2 Star Players, but must have at least 11 regular players before doing so.
    Goblins may buy 0-3 bribes
    Halflings may buy 0-1 master chef

    Starting skills
    All skills will be chosen before the tournament and will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament. See the tier chart below for information on how many and which type of skills your selected team can choose. These skills are free.

    Additional skills
    If you are coaching a tier 2 or tier 3 team, you get some extra gold. You may use some or all of this extra gold to buy even more skills.

    Skills purchased in this way are priced as follows:
    Normal skill: 20k
    Double skill: 30k

    Unused cash is added to the team treasury and can be spent building the team as normal.
    You may not add more than one skill to a single player.
    Stat upgrades are not allowed.

    Tier 1
    Tier 1 teams are the best of the best. They get 6 normal skills.
    Wood Elf
    Chaos Dwarf
    Dark Elf

    Tier 2
    Tier 2 teams can be pretty good, but fail to perform as well as the tier 1 teams.
    6 normal skills, 1 double skill and 20k extra cash may be able to fix this.
    Chaos Pact
    High Elf

    Tier 3
    Tier 3 teams are hard to play, and are simply not as good as the others. They get 6 normal skills, 1 double skill and 50K extra cash to help bridge this gap, but it will still be an uphill climb.

    Keeping up with time
    You will have 135 min timeframe to complete the match, if we see the game will not be completed withinn the time frame, we will set up a chess clock with a 2 min turn limit when 20 mins remain

    Draw and Scoring
    Draw for Round 1 will be random. Draw for subsequent rounds will use the so-called "swiss" system, where opponents with equal amounts of tournament points will be paired against each other.

    Tournament Scoring
    Tournament points will be awarded like this
    3 points for a win
    1 points for a draw
    0 points for a loss

    Toughness of schedule will be used in the event of a tiebreaker situation followed by Touchdown differential, followed by casualties inflicted.

    Trophies/prizes will be awarded:
    Border Ball winner
    Runner Up
    3rd Place
    Most Touchdowns
    Most Casualties

    0900 Registration
    1000 Game 1
    1300 Lunch
    1400 Game 2
    1700 Game 3
    2000 Done for the day - out to dine!

    0900 Venue open
    0930 Game 4
    1200 Lunch
    1300 Game 5
    1530 Game 6
    1830 Award Ceremony
  • Tusen tack. Tyvärr innebär tiderna dag två att jag inte kan delta pga jobb dagen efter.
  • Pellevin wrote: »
    Tusen tack. Tyvärr innebär tiderna dag två att jag inte kan delta pga jobb dagen efter.

    Betyder det att du kommer och försvarar din titel i Buzzqvarna? ;)
  • Det är möjligt. Men jag kollar nu om det kan bli så att jag kör från Tjörn till Moss, och sedan hem.
  • edited July 2017
    Pellevin wrote: »
    Det är möjligt. Men jag kollar nu om det kan bli så att jag kör från Tjörn till Moss, och sedan hem.

    Bilkörning är töntigt, riktiga pro-players åker flyg ;)

    (Med andra ord välkommen till Umeå :))
  • ingen bäst stunty? vad är det här för mobbing? :D
  • Pellevin wrote: »
    Tusen tack. Tyvärr innebär tiderna dag två att jag inte kan delta pga jobb dagen efter.

    Det var kjedelig!

    Bare av nysjerrighet (og med tanke på fremtidige turneringer, dette er noe vi stadig diskuterer); Når må en turnering være ferdig på søndag for at reisen skal løse seg slik at du er tilbake i tide?

    På mange måter er egentlig en 5-kampersturnering det beste (mindre stress, tidligere ferdig), men samtidig så vil de fleste (meg inkludert) gjerne få til 6 kamper når man først reiser noe sted.
  • Disclaimer: Jeg organiserer ikke denne altså :-) Det er miljøet i Moss som er inne i NAF-varmen. Her blir det nok noen nye norske BB-fjes!
  • För att söndagen ska funka hyfsat som resdag brukar det vara fyra matcher på lördagen. Då blir söndagen mindre stressig
  • Ja, fyra matcher på lördag och två på söndag brukar vara bra.

    Nu kanske jag kan komma iallafall. Har hittat en möjlig lösning.
  • Pellevin wrote: »
    Ja, fyra matcher på lördag och två på söndag brukar vara bra.

    Nu kanske jag kan komma iallafall. Har hittat en möjlig lösning.

    Bra! kul om det löser sig!
  • Nu är det klart, jag kommer till Moss. Om någon vill ha skjuts från Tjörn/Stenungssund/Uddevalla på torsdagen går det bra. Och om någon vill ha skjuts till Stockholm på söndagen går även det utmärkt.
  • Kanon, kul att det kommer nån mer rackare
  • Nu gick de dock ut med att de ställer in pga för få deltagare. :(
  • Skuld wrote: »
    Nu gick de dock ut med att de ställer in pga för få deltagare. :(

    Tråkigt att höra. Det verkar vara en nedgång i blood bowlandet nu under sommaren :(
  • Ok, då blir det Buzzqvarna då.
  • Kjedelig, kjedelig.

    Det kan se ut som Østlandet (det er altså Norge øst for fjellene) enda har et stykke å gå når det gjelder lokal deltakelse. Selv i Oslo Open var det jo nesten bare tilreisende. Merkelig...
  • Ja, men det ser likadant ut i Sverige numera. Både i Göteborg och Stockholm är det svagt lokalt deltagande i turneringar.
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