Såg din post på FB också. Men det du skrev där var enligt CRP, inte enligt DZ1 eller Alamanac 2017? Och vem är det du hänvisar till? Orkade inte kolla genom hela tråden nu på morgonen...
New Inducements FAQ (from Talkfantasyfootball.org)
Q. Can you explain the steps for calculating Inducements in a bit more detail please?
A. Yes, there does appear to be some confusion over this, so here’s the sequence broken down into more easily followed steps:
1. Starting with the team with the highest team value, each coach looks at their Treasury and decides if they will spend any of their gold on Inducements. This gold is transferred out of the Treasury and immediately increases Team Value accordingly.
2. The coach with the lower Team Value after gold has been transferred out of the Treasury is granted an additional amount of ‘petty cash’ equal to the difference in Team Values as they currently stand.
3. Next, the coach with the higher Team Value at the start of step 2 decides which Inducements they will spend any available gold on.
4. Finally, the coach with the lower Team Value at the start of step 2 spends their gold on Inducements.
5. Remember that at the end of step 2 both teams will have an equal Team Value. It may be the case that after Inducements have been announced, one team has some change left that cannot be spent. This is discarded.
Såg din post på FB också. Men det du skrev där var enligt CRP, inte enligt DZ1 eller Alamanac 2017? Och vem är det du hänvisar till? Orkade inte kolla genom hela tråden nu på morgonen...
We had a similar question in our league so we went straight to the source. This will evidently be featured in an upcoming FAQ.
Q. Can you explain the steps for calculating Inducements in a bit more detail please?
A. Yes, there does appear to be some confusion over this, so here’s the sequence broken down into more easily followed steps:
1. Each coach looks at their Treasury and decides if they will spend any of the gold on Inducements. This gold is transferred out of the Treasury and immediately increases Team Value accordingly. For example, if Jim had a Team Value of 1,250,000 gp and decided to spend 100,000 gp from his Treasury, his Team Value would increase to 1,350,000 gp even before he announces to his opponent what he plans to spend that gold on.
2. The coach with the lower Team Value is granted an additional amount of ‘petty cash’ equal to the difference in Team Values as they are now. To continue the above example, if Jim’s opponent, Bob, had a Team Value of 1,100,000 gp he would be awarded petty cash of 250,000 gp. That is 150,000 gp for the initial difference in TeamValue, and an additional 100,000 gp for the gold Bob has removed from his Treasury to spend on Inducements.
Note here that if Bob took any gold from his Treasury, that amount would also be added to his Team Value, therefore the amount of petty cash awarded would be decreased accordingly.
3. Next, the coach with the higher Team Value decides what they will spend the Gold they transferred from their Treasury on, so in our example, Jim now declares that he will spend his 100,000 gp on a single Bribe Inducement.
4. Finally, the coach with the lower Team Value spends their gold on Inducements, so to complete our example Bob would decide what he is spending his 250,000 gp on, purchasing a Bribe, some Extra Team Training, and a Bloodweiser Keg for the upcoming match.
Mycket positivt att säga om nysläppet av Blood Bowl, men jösses vad de har schabblat med regelskrivandet. Helt jäkla otroligt klantigt, börjar bli lätt trött på deras errator.
Även om det kommer en FAQ så tycker jag att DZ1 ska ha företräde så länge de inte också släpper en errata som uttryckligen skriver om reglerna för att TV skall påverkas av petty cash.
@stashman ditt exempel är förmodligen felaktigt formulerat. Menar du att lag a har tv 1050kgp eller 1500kgp. Ditt exempel anger 1500, men resonemanget efteråt tyder på annat.
@stashman ditt exempel är förmodligen felaktigt formulerat. Menar du att lag a har tv 1050kgp eller 1500kgp. Ditt exempel anger 1500, men resonemanget efteråt tyder på annat.
tror inte det ska vara TV i första exemplet utan snarare pengar de får?
Lag B har hemmastadium Reputation for Spectacle, båda lagen får 100k petty cash
Lag A får 50k petty cash som bortalag
Lag B köper för 300k och blir overdog, 1300k
Hur mycket får dom båda lagen att spendera i inducement fasen?
Hur gör man med petty cash?
Lag A 1200
Lag B 1000
Lag B har hemmastadium, +100 för båda lagen
Lag A 1300
Lag B 1100
Lag A får 50 extra
Lag A 1350
Lag B 1100
här blir jag lite osäker, menar du att lag B köper för 300 utöver de 100 de fick eller totalt för 300?
jag gissar på det sista men är osäker.
i så fall
Lag A 1350
Lag B 1300
så i det fallet har Lag B 50 till att köpa för och Lag A har 150 att köpa för.
Fick svar på detta exempel att detta är korrekt enligt JYT från Specialistgames
Team A (human): 1,200,000 TV
Team B (orc): 1,000,000 TV
Match is played at team B homestadium, Reputation for Spectacle. (Rolling dice) - both teams get 100,000 petty cash.
Team A gets another 50,000 petty cash for playing on Team B stadium.
Team A would like to induce Karla von Kill that costs 220,000. So the team only needs to spend 70,000 from their treasury as they gets 150,000 from petty cash.
Team B gets 270,000 in petty cash for being the underdog + 100,000 from stadium rule, a grand 370,000 to buy inducements.
Team B coach seems happy but really would like another 60,000 to bring out Morg. But because the team is underdog they cant add 60,000 from treasury to get Morg becsuse it will lower their petty cash.
Bara jag som inte ser nån nyhet här?
@Pumba: Hmm, ok. Tills de kommer en uppdaterad errata så är det en, frustrerad gamer som postat på TFF.
Vad e skillnaden? >_<
Finner allt helt obegripligt och känner väl att med nyss utkomma Almanacen så kommer det inte en faq om en vecka precis.
Lag A 150 TV
Lag B 100 TV
Lag B har hemmastadium Reputation for Spectacle, båda lagen får 100k petty cash
Lag A får 50k petty cash som bortalag
Lag B köper för 100k och blir overdog, 200 TV
Hur mycket får dom båda lagen att spendera i inducement fasen?
Hur gör man med petty cash?
då kan en bortse från den och göra som vanligt.
tror inte det ska vara TV i första exemplet utan snarare pengar de får?
Lag A 1200k TV
Lag B 1000k TV
Lag B har hemmastadium Reputation for Spectacle, båda lagen får 100k petty cash
Lag A får 50k petty cash som bortalag
Lag B köper för 300k och blir overdog, 1300k
Hur mycket får dom båda lagen att spendera i inducement fasen?
Hur gör man med petty cash?
Lag A 1200
Lag B 1000
Lag B har hemmastadium, +100 för båda lagen
Lag A 1300
Lag B 1100
Lag A får 50 extra
Lag A 1350
Lag B 1100
här blir jag lite osäker, menar du att lag B köper för 300 utöver de 100 de fick eller totalt för 300?
jag gissar på det sista men är osäker.
i så fall
Lag A 1350
Lag B 1300
så i det fallet har Lag B 50 till att köpa för och Lag A har 150 att köpa för.
så skulle jag beräkna det hela iaf.
Lag A 1200
Lag B 1000
beräkna inducements, Lag B får 200
lägg på för stadium
Lag A inducement 150
Lag B inducement 300
Team A (human): 1,200,000 TV
Team B (orc): 1,000,000 TV
Match is played at team B homestadium, Reputation for Spectacle. (Rolling dice) - both teams get 100,000 petty cash.
Team A gets another 50,000 petty cash for playing on Team B stadium.
Team A would like to induce Karla von Kill that costs 220,000. So the team only needs to spend 70,000 from their treasury as they gets 150,000 from petty cash.
Team B gets 270,000 in petty cash for being the underdog + 100,000 from stadium rule, a grand 370,000 to buy inducements.
Team B coach seems happy but really would like another 60,000 to bring out Morg. But because the team is underdog they cant add 60,000 from treasury to get Morg becsuse it will lower their petty cash.
Am I right in this calculating?