UK Team Challenge II - Jan 16-17, 2016
Pippy bad mig göra reklam för detta för att locka svenska lag. Kanske värt att åka på en stor lagturnering "in the year of the EuroBowl"?

Summarised details:
-UKTC will once again be held in the historic city of York, just inside its ancient city walls
-Tournament format: teams of four players, TR110, front-loaded skill allocation dependent on racial tier
-Entry is £120 per team of four (£30 per player) if payment is received before October 1st 2015, otherwise entry is £140 per team (£35 per player)
See the UKTC II rules pack for all information (design courtesy of ManticoreRich):
Registration is open now!

Summarised details:
-UKTC will once again be held in the historic city of York, just inside its ancient city walls
-Tournament format: teams of four players, TR110, front-loaded skill allocation dependent on racial tier
-Entry is £120 per team of four (£30 per player) if payment is received before October 1st 2015, otherwise entry is £140 per team (£35 per player)
See the UKTC II rules pack for all information (design courtesy of ManticoreRich):
Registration is open now!
Ser kul ut.
Fiffig lösning för udda-lagen också.
Men turneringen ser onekligen kul ut.