Gnällbältet Tag Team Tournament - Second Coming , Örebro 22-23:e mars 2025

edited 6:07PM in Turneringar

Hej kära vänner.

Det är dags igen för Gnällbältet Tag Team Tournament!

Det kommer vara en 2-coach lagturnering. Hitta en kompis eller en annan Blood Bowl spelare som du tror kommer bra överens med och bilda ett lag. Ett moment kommer vara att man byter roster med sin team mate varannan match. Därav fördel att man spelar med roster som båda coacherna klarar av och tycker det är kul att spela med.

Jag och @havaji kommer hålla i detta tillsammans och agera som ett ”Odd Team Out”.

Vi kommer använda oss av EuroBowl Ungerns regelpaket.

Adress: Mäster Larsgatan 1, Örebro. Olaus Petriskolans matsal.



Starting Gold and Star Player Point (SPP)

Tier 1: 1100k & 36 SPP

  • Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Dark Elves, Skaven, Amazons, Wood Elves

Tier 2: 1110k & 42 SPP

  • Orc, Norse, Underworld Denizens, Vampire, Dwarves

Tier 3: 1120k & 50 SPP

  • High Elves, Tomb Kings, Slann, Necromantic Horror, Humans

Tier 4: 1130k & 56 SPP

  • Elven Union, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Imperial Nobility, Chaos Dwarves

Tier 5: 1140k & 64 SPP

  • Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Nurgle

Tier 6: 1150k & 70 SPP

  • Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings, Gnomes

You can spend spp according to the rulebook, but no random skills or characteristic

improvements are allowed.

You are only allowed to take two extra skills on the same player.

You are only allowed to “stack” on 1 player for tier 1-2, 2 players for tier 3-4 and 3 players for

tier 5-6.

Unspent gold and star player points are lost.

You have to field 11 players before hiring a star player.

You can’t choose more than 4 from the same skill while spending star player points. If your

team already has at least 4 from the same skill after buying your players (including star

players) but before spending your skill points you CAN’T have more of that skill.

i.e.: A dark elf coach bought 4 blitzers and 2 witch elfs, thus they can only give out two more

dodge before reaching the limit of 4 dodges total. Since they already have at least 4 blocks

on the roster they cannot give out any more.

You are not allowed to purchase bribes if your team adds either sneaky git or dirty player (or

a star player with one of those skills) to the roster.

Optional packs (may choose one):

A: “Quantity over quality”: you can exchange 2 spp for 10k gold up to 5 times (gaining you a

maximum of 50k gold for 10 spp)

B: “Training camp”: get extra 6 spp but you lose 30k gold. If you choose this pack, you are

only allowed to “stack” on 1 less player (f.e. High Elves only allowed to stack on 1 of their


C: “Center of attention”: your team can hire star players but lose 8 spp for star players

costing up to 120k, 14 spp for star players costing 121-260k, 20 spp for star players costing

more than 260k.

The following star players are banned and cannot be hired by any team:

Morg, Griff, Skitter, Hakflem, Bomber, Cindy, Zzharg, Estelle, Dribl & Drull, Deeproot, Kreek,

Varag, Hthark. All almanac releases: Jordell, Anqi Panqi, Jeremiah, Swiftvine, Maple, Guffle.

List of eligible inducements:

- Bloodweiser keg

- Mortuary assistant

- Plague doctor

- Wandering apothecary

- Team mascot

- Josef Bugman

- Bribe

- Master chef

- Riotous rookies

Tag Team Creation:

Each Tag Team is created by 2 coaches, each must choose a different race to play. Round 2, 4 and 6 you play your game using your teammate’s roster.




Cost: 400 kr/ Tag Team

Tag Team name!

Rosters with NAF-name och NAF-number.

Send your:


-NAF name and NAF number

-Phone number

to at latest 7:th of March.

Payment to Ka Yue-Simon Poon at Swish 0736916416.

All teams that sends in a Tag Team logo/photo before deadline will receive an extra tournament gift.

INGEN ALKOHOL FÅR FÖRTÄRAS I MATSALEN DÄR VI SPELAR!!! Laget diskvalificeras om nån i laget förtär alkohol i matsalen eller på skolans område. Om detta sker så kommer ingen återbetalning av deltagaravgiften betalas tillbaka.


Spelfigurer behöver vara tydliga och representera Blood Bowl.

Alla modeller på plan måste vara målade med minst tre färger och vara basade.



Round 1: 09:00-11:15

Round 2: 11:30-13:45

Lunch: 13:45-14:45

Round 3: 14:45-17:00

Round 4: 17:15-19:30


Round 5: 9:30-11:45

Round 6: 12:00-14:15

Ending. -15:00

Written language:


Om du tycker att du ofta slår dåligt med dina tärningar. Så är det rätt turnering för dig ;)



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