Buzzqvarna Cup 2519, August 17, Björnvägen 11, Umeå
Buzzqvarna Cup 2519
August 17 2019
Incrade-gallerian, Björnvägen 11, Umeå
* Basic Rules: Blood Bowl 2016 + Blood Bowl Almanac + Spike! 1-5
* Optional Rules (see and for clarification):
* No Special Play Cards will be used at this tournament to speed up gameplay
* The Piling on skill is allowed (as in CRP) and does not require a team reroll
* Each coach chooses one team from the NAF-Team-list and may buy a team with Team Value 1.150.000. You may buy players, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, fan factor, rerolls and an apothecary. 100.000 of this team value may also be used to buy skills (regular or doubles) for the cost specified in the rule book (20K for regular, 30K for doubles). Each player may only have one skill and no skill may be bought more than twice in the team.
* Chainsaws are allowed during this tournament and the referee will never eject a player on the grounds of carrying one.
* A player of your choice on your team (i.e. not star players) gains the Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Loner and No Hands skills for this tournament. No extra skill may be added to this player.
* Two star players allowed (Only one of them may be chainsaw star player). No other inducements with the exception of Halflings which can have their chef and goblins that may buy bribes.
* Ogre Boost: If you are coaching an Ogre team, an unskilled player of your choice on your team (i.e. not star players) may have the Leader skill for free.
* Each team must have 11 players, Star player not included.
* Clones: Same starplayer may play for both teams in the same game, i.e. No highlander rule.
* Scoring: Win +15, Draw +10, Loss +5, Concede: 0, +1 per Chainsaw Casualty / Chainsaw Foul Casualty
* Tiebreakers: In descending order: Result if the coaches faced each other, TD-diff, CAS-diff, TDs scored, number of Chainsaw CAS caused, number of CAS caused, random chance.
* The team with the best score after all games are played is the winner.
If possible please send rosters in advance to
Cost is 40 SEK for NAF members, 60 SEK if you are not a member.
Venue Opens 07:00
Registration starts 08:00
Match 1 08:15-10:30
Match 2 10:40-12:55
Lunch 13:00-14:30
Match 3 14:30-16:45
Match 4 17:00-19:15
Awards 19:30
August 17 2019
Incrade-gallerian, Björnvägen 11, Umeå
* Basic Rules: Blood Bowl 2016 + Blood Bowl Almanac + Spike! 1-5
* Optional Rules (see and for clarification):
* No Special Play Cards will be used at this tournament to speed up gameplay
* The Piling on skill is allowed (as in CRP) and does not require a team reroll
* Each coach chooses one team from the NAF-Team-list and may buy a team with Team Value 1.150.000. You may buy players, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, fan factor, rerolls and an apothecary. 100.000 of this team value may also be used to buy skills (regular or doubles) for the cost specified in the rule book (20K for regular, 30K for doubles). Each player may only have one skill and no skill may be bought more than twice in the team.
* Chainsaws are allowed during this tournament and the referee will never eject a player on the grounds of carrying one.
* A player of your choice on your team (i.e. not star players) gains the Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Loner and No Hands skills for this tournament. No extra skill may be added to this player.
* Two star players allowed (Only one of them may be chainsaw star player). No other inducements with the exception of Halflings which can have their chef and goblins that may buy bribes.
* Ogre Boost: If you are coaching an Ogre team, an unskilled player of your choice on your team (i.e. not star players) may have the Leader skill for free.
* Each team must have 11 players, Star player not included.
* Clones: Same starplayer may play for both teams in the same game, i.e. No highlander rule.
* Scoring: Win +15, Draw +10, Loss +5, Concede: 0, +1 per Chainsaw Casualty / Chainsaw Foul Casualty
* Tiebreakers: In descending order: Result if the coaches faced each other, TD-diff, CAS-diff, TDs scored, number of Chainsaw CAS caused, number of CAS caused, random chance.
* The team with the best score after all games are played is the winner.
If possible please send rosters in advance to
Cost is 40 SEK for NAF members, 60 SEK if you are not a member.
Venue Opens 07:00
Registration starts 08:00
Match 1 08:15-10:30
Match 2 10:40-12:55
Lunch 13:00-14:30
Match 3 14:30-16:45
Match 4 17:00-19:15
Awards 19:30
Tyvärr är det så. Inte mycket att göra.
Vi är ju i alla fall på lite mysigt avstånd från varandra. Folk i Sundsvall och Hudik får väl bekänna färg helt enkelt
Nice att du kommer @bonefinger.
Pffft @frantic. Jag känner att jag som arrangör måste ändra lite på reglerna för alla som heter Erik... Kanske måste de spela buzzqvarna med underworld, det gick ju så bra det året...
Jag börjar ta det här personligt
Jag har en bunt med motorsågar som @frantic har för avsikt att ta med. Ska nog finnas någon som passar att låna.
- angående vad Khemri-skelettet drabbats av i och med MNG
Matcherna blev dubbelrapporterade tydligen. Admins ska försöka rätta till problemet.
Hahaha ja den kommentaren är redan en klassiker, samt Klas kommentar fyra rundor in i sista matchen när han själv har recivat bollen gått till anfall. Han tittar på antalet turns som spelat fäller -”du har redan gjort en td va?”
Och hur helt övertygad han är på att han ligger under mot Khemri, (som om de hade gjort en snabb td för att sedan backa hem och valt att försöka försvara ledningen)