Regelfråga: Raise the dead
s. 17 regel PDF:
Instead of purchasing an Apothecary, Necromantic and Undead
teams use the services of a Necromancer. The Necromancer is
free to the team and allows the team once per a match to ‘Raise
the Dead’. If a player on the opposing team with Strength 4 or
less that does not have Regeneration or Stunty is killed during
the match (after Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may
immediately place a new Zombie player in the Reserves box of
their dugout (this may cause a team to have more than 16
players for the remainder of the match). During Step 5 of
Updating Your Team Roster (see page 29), you may add this
player to your roster for free if you have less than 16 players on
the team. A free Zombie still counts at full value towards the
team value.
Jag tolkar detta som att jag kan konvertera vilken spelare som helst som dör som har under S5 och utan regeneration.
Någon sa någon gång (minns inte om det var verbalt eller att jag läste det på något forum, men att man inte kunde göra Raise the Dead på för små karaktärer (typ Halflings, Snotling etc. )
Någon som kan förklara detta närmare?
Tack på förhand.
Instead of purchasing an Apothecary, Necromantic and Undead
teams use the services of a Necromancer. The Necromancer is
free to the team and allows the team once per a match to ‘Raise
the Dead’. If a player on the opposing team with Strength 4 or
less that does not have Regeneration or Stunty is killed during
the match (after Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may
immediately place a new Zombie player in the Reserves box of
their dugout (this may cause a team to have more than 16
players for the remainder of the match). During Step 5 of
Updating Your Team Roster (see page 29), you may add this
player to your roster for free if you have less than 16 players on
the team. A free Zombie still counts at full value towards the
team value.
Jag tolkar detta som att jag kan konvertera vilken spelare som helst som dör som har under S5 och utan regeneration.
Någon sa någon gång (minns inte om det var verbalt eller att jag läste det på något forum, men att man inte kunde göra Raise the Dead på för små karaktärer (typ Halflings, Snotling etc. )
Någon som kan förklara detta närmare?

Tack på förhand.
Tack för infon om det med Thursablot.